Contributing to the GEOFON data archive

GEOFON has over 100TB of capacity for seismic data. We welcome your SEED-based data in our archive.

Services we offer

  • Secure long-term archiving of your SEED-based seismic waveform data. There will be at least two copies of your data.
  • Archiving and open access in line with GFZ's guidelines PDF, March 2016. (Deutsch: Grundsätze zum Umgang mit Forschungsdaten PDF], Maerz 2016.)
  • Delivery of your data and metadata to clients via FDSN web services, and more. See Waveform Access.
  • Integration into the European Integrated Data Archive (EIDA) if desired.
  • Assistance with preparing, and if desired, minting, a Digital Object Identifer (DOI) for your network.
  • In conjunction with GFZ library staff, assistance preparing a data report describing your data set, including more station information, availability, spectral information and more. This can form the base of a document such as the GFZ Scientific Technical Report STR. Our report generator tool may help you in this task.
  • Serving as a point of contact for your data set.

Contact us to discuss your special needs.

Resources for contributors