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@article{RN314, author = {Braeuer, B. and Asch, G. and Hofstetter, R. and Haberland, C. and Jaser, D. and El-Kelani, R. and Weber, M.}, title = {{Microseismicity distribution in the southern Dead Sea basin and its implications on the structure of the basin}}, journal = {Geophysical Journal International}, volume = {188}, number = {3}, pages = {873-878}, issn = {0956-540X}, doi = {10.1111/j.1365-246X.2011.05318.x}, year = {2012}, type = {Journal Article} }
@article{RN498, author = {Braeuer, B. and Asch, G. and Hofstetter, R. and Haberland, C. and Jaser, D. and El-Kelani, R. and Weber, M.}, title = {{Detailed seismicity analysis revealing the dynamics of the southern Dead Sea area}}, journal = {Journal of Seismology}, volume = {18}, number = {4}, pages = {731-748}, issn = {1383-4649}, doi = {10.1007/s10950-014-9441-4}, year = {2014}, type = {Journal Article} }
@article{RN492, author = {Braeuer, B. and Bauer, K.}, title = {{A new interpretation of seismic tomography in the southern Dead Sea basin using neural network clustering techniques}}, journal = {Geophysical Research Letters}, volume = {42}, number = {22}, pages = {9772-9780}, issn = {0094-8276}, doi = {10.1002/2015gl066559}, year = {2015}, type = {Journal Article} }
@article{RN299, author = {Braunmiller, J. and Bernardi, F.}, title = {{The 2003 Boumerdes, Algeria earthquake: Regional moment tensor analysis}}, journal = {Geophysical Research Letters}, volume = {32}, number = {6}, issn = {0094-8276}, doi = {10.1029/2004gl022038}, year = {2005}, type = {Journal Article} }
@article{RN312, author = {Braunmiller, J. and Deichmann, N. and Giardini, D. and Wiemer, S. and Grp, S. E. D. Magnitude Working}, title = {{Homogeneous moment-magnitude calibration in Switzerland}}, journal = {Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America}, volume = {95}, number = {1}, pages = {58-74}, issn = {0037-1106}, doi = {10.1785/0120030245}, year = {2005}, type = {Journal Article} }
@article{RN283, author = {Budweg, M. and Bock, G. and Weber, M.}, title = {{The Eifel Plume - imaged with converted seismic waves}}, journal = {Geophysical Journal International}, volume = {166}, number = {2}, pages = {579-589}, issn = {0956-540X}, doi = {10.1111/j.1365-246X.2005.02778.x}, year = {2006}, type = {Journal Article} }
@article{RN32, author = {Buforn, E. and Pro, C. and Cesca, S. and Udias, A. and del Fresno, C.}, title = {{The 2010 Granada, Spain, Deep Earthquake}}, journal = {Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America}, volume = {101}, number = {5}, pages = {2418-2430}, issn = {0037-1106}, doi = {10.1785/0120110022}, year = {2011}, type = {Journal Article} }
@article{Bulut, author = {Bulut, F. and Bohnhoff, M. and Ellsworth, W. L. and Aktar, M. and Dresen, G.}, title = {{Microseismicity at the North Anatolian Fault in the Sea of Marmara offshore Istanbul, NW Turkey}}, journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth}, volume = {114}, pages = {16}, optnote = {ISI Document Delivery No.: 492FR Times Cited: 6 Cited Reference Count: 56 Bulut, Fatih Bohnhoff, Marco Ellsworth, William L. Aktar, Mustafa Dresen, Georg AMER GEOPHYSICAL UNION WASHINGTON}, optabstract = {The North Anatolian Fault Zone (NAFZ) below the Sea of Marmara forms a ``seismic gap'' where a major earthquake is expected to occur in the near future. This segment of the fault lies between the 1912 Ganos and 1999 Izmit ruptures and is the only NAFZ segment that has not ruptured since 1766. To monitor the microseismic activity at the main fault branch offshore of Istanbul below the C1arc1k Basin, a permanent seismic array (PIRES) was installed on the two outermost Prince Islands, Yassiada and Sivriada, at a few kilometers distance to the fault. In addition, a temporary network of ocean bottom seismometers was deployed throughout the C1narc1k Basin. Slowness vectors are determined combining waveform cross correlation and P wave polarization. We jointly invert azimuth and traveltime observations for hypocenter determination and apply a bootstrap resampling technique to quantify the location precision. We observe seismicity rates of 20 events per month for M < 2.5 along the basin. The spatial distribution of hypocenters suggests that the two major fault branches bounding the depocenter below the C1narc1k Basin merge to one single master fault below similar to 17 km depth. On the basis of a cross-correlation technique we group closely spaced earthquakes and determine composite focal mechanisms implementing recordings of surrounding permanent land stations. Fault plane solutions have a predominant right-lateral strike-slip mechanism, indicating that normal faulting along this part of the NAFZ plays a minor role. Toward the west we observe increasing components of thrust faulting. This supports the model of NW trending, dextral strike-slip motion along the northern and main branch of the NAFZ below the eastern Sea of Marmara.}, keywords = {1999 IZMIT EARTHQUAKE, MOMENT TENSOR INVERSION, ACTIVE TECTONICS SEISMIC HAZARD, PULL-APART, AUGUST 17, CALIFORNIA, RUPTURE, MODELS ARRAY}, year = {2009} }
@article{RN193, author = {Buontempo, L. and Bokelmann, G. H. R. and Barruol, G. and Morales, J.}, title = {{Seismic anisotropy beneath southern Iberia from SKS splitting}}, journal = {Earth and Planetary Science Letters}, volume = {273}, number = {3-4}, pages = {237-250}, issn = {0012-821X}, doi = {10.1016/j.epsl.2008.06.024}, year = {2008}, type = {Journal Article} }
@article{RN499, author = {Calixto, F. J. and Robinson, D. and Sandvol, E. and Kay, S. and Abt, D. and Fischer, K. and Heit, B. and Yuan, X. H. and Comte, D. and Alvarado, P.}, title = {{Shear wave splitting and shear wave splitting tomography of the southern Puna plateau}}, journal = {Geophysical Journal International}, volume = {199}, number = {2}, pages = {688-699}, issn = {0956-540X}, doi = {10.1093/gji/ggu296}, year = {2014}, type = {Journal Article} }
@article{RN359, author = {Calixto, F. J. and Sandvol, E. and Kay, S. and Mulcahy, P. and Heit, B. and Yuan, X. H. and Coira, B. and Comte, D. and Alvarado, P.}, title = {{Velocity structure beneath the southern Puna plateau: Evidence for delamination}}, journal = {Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems}, volume = {14}, number = {10}, pages = {4292-4305}, issn = {1525-2027}, doi = {10.1002/ggge.20266}, year = {2013}, type = {Journal Article} }
@article{RN230, author = {Caporali, A. and Ostini, L.}, title = {{Analysis of the displacement of geodetic stations during the Emilia seismic sequence of May 2012}}, journal = {Annals of Geophysics}, volume = {55}, number = {4}, pages = {767-772}, issn = {1593-5213}, doi = {10.4401/ag-6115}, year = {2012}, type = {Journal Article} }
@article{RN336, author = {Carbonell, R. and Levander, A. and Kind, R.}, title = {{The Mohorovicic discontinuity beneath the continental crust: An overview of seismic constraints}}, journal = {Tectonophysics}, volume = {609}, pages = {353-376}, issn = {0040-1951}, doi = {10.1016/j.tecto.2013.08.037}, year = {2013}, type = {Journal Article} }
@article{RN370, author = {Caudron, C. and Lecocq, T. and Syahbana, D. K. and McCausland, W. and Watlet, A. and Camelbeeck, T. and Bernard, A. and Surono}, title = {{Stress and mass changes at a "wet" volcano: Example during the 2011-2012 volcanic unrest at Kawah Ijen volcano (Indonesia)}}, journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth}, volume = {120}, number = {7}, pages = {5117-5134}, issn = {2169-9313}, doi = {10.1002/2014jb011590}, year = {2015}, type = {Journal Article} }
@article{RN380, author = {Caudron, C. and Taisne, B. and Garces, M. and Le Pichon, A. and Mialle, P.}, title = {{On the use of remote infrasound and seismic stations to constrain the eruptive sequence and intensity for the 2014 Kelud eruption}}, journal = {Geophysical Research Letters}, volume = {42}, number = {16}, pages = {6614-6621}, issn = {0094-8276}, doi = {10.1002/2015gl064885}, year = {2015}, type = {Journal Article} }
@article{RN355, author = {Cesca, S. and Braun, T. and Maccaferri, F. and Passarelli, L. and Rivalta, E. and Dahm, T.}, title = {{Source modelling of the M5-6 Emilia-Romagna, Italy, earthquakes (2012 May 20-29)}}, journal = {Geophysical Journal International}, volume = {193}, number = {3}, pages = {1658-1672}, issn = {0956-540X}, doi = {10.1093/gji/ggt069}, year = {2013}, type = {Journal Article} }
@article{RN49, author = {Cesca, S. and Dahm, T. and Juretzek, C. and Kuhn, D.}, title = {{Rupture process of the 2001 May 7 M-w 4.3 Ekofisk induced earthquake}}, journal = {Geophysical Journal International}, volume = {187}, number = {1}, pages = {407-413}, issn = {0956-540X}, doi = {10.1111/j.1365-246X.2011.05151.x}, year = {2011}, type = {Journal Article} }
@article{RN389, author = {Cesca, S. and Grigoli, F. and Heimann, S. and Dahm, T. and Kriegerowski, M. and Sobiesiak, M. and Tassara, C. and Olcay, M.}, title = {{The M-w 8.1 2014 Iquique, Chile, seismic sequence: a tale of foreshocks and aftershocks}}, journal = {Geophysical Journal International}, volume = {204}, number = {3}, pages = {1766-1780}, issn = {0956-540X}, doi = {10.1093/gji/ggv544}, year = {2016}, type = {Journal Article} }
@article{RN42, author = {Cesca, S. and Heimann, S. and Dahm, T.}, title = {{Rapid directivity detection by azimuthal amplitude spectra inversion}}, journal = {Journal of Seismology}, volume = {15}, number = {1}, pages = {147-164}, issn = {1383-4649}, doi = {10.1007/s10950-010-9217-4}, year = {2011}, type = {Journal Article} }
@article{RN519, author = {Cesca, S. and Heimann, S. and Kriegerowski, M. and Saul, J. and Dahm, T.}, title = {{Moment Tensor Inversion for Nuclear Explosions: What Can We Learn from the 6 January and 9 September 2016 Nuclear Tests, North Korea?}}, journal = {Seismological Research Letters}, volume = {88}, number = {2}, pages = {300-310}, issn = {0895-0695}, doi = {10.1785/0220160139}, year = {2017}, type = {Journal Article} }
@article{RN237, author = {Cesca, S. and Rohr, A. and Dahm, T.}, title = {{Discrimination of induced seismicity by full moment tensor inversion and decomposition}}, journal = {Journal of Seismology}, volume = {17}, number = {1}, pages = {147-163}, issn = {1383-4649}, doi = {10.1007/s10950-012-9305-8}, year = {2013}, type = {Journal Article} }
@article{RN517, author = {Cesca, S. and Zhang, Y. and Mouslopoulou, V. and Wang, R. and Saul, J. and Savage, M. and Heimann, S. and Kufner, S. K. and Oncken, O. and Dahm, T.}, title = {{Complex rupture process of the Mw 7.8, 2016, Kaikoura earthquake, New Zealand, and its aftershock sequence}}, journal = {Earth and Planetary Science Letters}, volume = {478}, pages = {110-120}, issn = {0012-821X}, doi = {10.1016/j.epsl.2017.08.024}, year = {2017}, type = {Journal Article} }
@article{RN566, author = {Chai, C. and Ammon, C. J. and Anandakrishnan, S. and Ramirez, C. and Nyblade, A.}, title = {{Estimating subglacial structure using P-wave receiver functions}}, journal = {Geophysical Journal International}, volume = {209}, number = {2}, pages = {1064-1079}, issn = {0956-540X}, doi = {10.1093/gji/ggx075}, year = {2017}, type = {Journal Article} }
@article{RN467, author = {Chang, S. J. and Ferreira, A. M. G. and Faccenda, M.}, title = {{Upper- and mid-mantle interaction between the Samoan plume and the Tonga-Kermadec slabs}}, journal = {Nature Communications}, volume = {7}, issn = {2041-1723}, doi = {10.1038/ncomms10799}, year = {2016}, type = {Journal Article} }
@article{RN468, author = {Chang, S. J. and Ferreira, A. M. G. and Ritsema, J. and van Heijst, H. J. and Woodhouse, J. H.}, title = {{Joint inversion for global isotropic and radially anisotropic mantle structure including crustal thickness perturbations}}, journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth}, volume = {120}, number = {6}, pages = {4278-4300}, issn = {2169-9313}, doi = {10.1002/2014jb011824}, year = {2015}, type = {Journal Article} }
@article{RN406, author = {Civiero, C. and Goes, S. and Hammond, J. O. S. and Fishwick, S. and Ahmed, A. and Ayele, A. and Doubre, C. and Goitom, B. and Keir, D. and Kendall, J. M. and Leroy, S. and Ogubazghi, G. and Rumpker, G. and Stuart, G. W.}, title = {{Small-scale thermal upwellings under the northern East African Rift from S travel time tomography}}, journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth}, volume = {121}, number = {10}, pages = {7395-7408}, issn = {2169-9313}, doi = {10.1002/2016jb013070}, year = {2016}, type = {Journal Article} }
@article{RN417, author = {Civiero, C. and Hammond, J. O. S. and Goes, S. and Fishwick, S. and Ahmed, A. and Ayele, A. and Doubre, C. and Goitom, B. and Keir, D. and Kendall, J. M. and Leroy, S. and Ogubazghi, G. and Rumpker, G. and Stuart, G. W.}, title = {{Multiple mantle upwellings in the transition zone beneath the northern East-African Rift system from relative P-wave travel-time tomography}}, journal = {Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems}, volume = {16}, number = {9}, pages = {2949-2968}, issn = {1525-2027}, doi = {10.1002/2015gc005948}, year = {2015}, type = {Journal Article} }
@article{RN423, author = {Clement, J. and Reymond, D.}, title = {{New Tsunami Forecast Tools for the French Polynesia Tsunami Warning System Part I: moment tensor, slowness and seismic source inversion}}, journal = {Pure and Applied Geophysics}, volume = {172}, number = {3-4}, pages = {791-804}, issn = {0033-4553}, doi = {10.1007/s00024-014-0888-6}, year = {2015}, type = {Journal Article} }
@article{RN278, author = {Clinton, J. F. and Cua, G. and Huerfano, V. and von Hillebrandt-Andrade, C. G. and Cruzado, J. M.}, title = {{The current state of seismic monitoring in Puerto Rico}}, journal = {Seismological Research Letters}, volume = {77}, number = {5}, pages = {532-543}, issn = {0895-0695}, doi = {10.1785/gssrl.77.5.532}, year = {2006}, type = {Journal Article} }
@article{RN183, author = {Cloetingh, Sapl and Ziegler, P. A. and Bogaard, P. J. F. and Andriessen, P. A. M. and Artemieva, I. M. and Bada, G. and Balen, R. T. and Beekman, F. and Ben-Avraham, Z. and Brun, J. P. and Bunge, H. P. and Burov, E. B. and Carbonell, R. and Facenna, C. and Friedrich, A. and Gallart, J. and Green, A. G. and Heidbach, O. and Jones, A. G. and Matenco, L. and Mosar, J. and Oncken, O. and Pascal, C. and Peters, G. and Sliaupa, S. and Soesoo, A. and Spakman, W. and Stephenson, R. A. and Thybo, H. and Torsvik, T. and de Vicente, G. and Wenzel, F. and Wortel, M. J. R. and Grp, Topo-Europe Working}, title = {{TOPO-EUROPE: The geoscience of coupled deep Earth-surface processes}}, journal = {Global and Planetary Change}, volume = {58}, number = {1-4}, pages = {1-118}, issn = {0921-8181}, doi = {10.1016/j.gloplacha.2007.02.008}, year = {2007}, type = {Journal Article} }
@article{RN259, author = {Collings, R. and Lange, D. and Rietbrock, A. and Tilmann, F. and Natawidjaja, D. and Suwargadi, B. and Miller, M. and Saul, J.}, title = {{Structure and seismogenic properties of the Mentawai segment of the Sumatra subduction zone revealed by local earthquake traveltime tomography}}, journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth}, volume = {117}, issn = {0148-0227}, doi = {10.1029/2011jb008469}, year = {2012}, type = {Journal Article} }
@article{RN388, author = {Confal, J. M. and Eken, T. and Tilmann, F. and Yolsal-Cevikbilen, S. and Cubuk-Sabuncu, Y. and Saygin, E. and Taymaz, T.}, title = {{Investigation of mantle kinematics beneath the Hellenic-subduction zone with teleseismic direct shear waves}}, journal = {Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors}, volume = {261}, pages = {141-151}, issn = {0031-9201}, doi = {10.1016/j.pepi.2016.10.012}, year = {2016}, type = {Journal Article} }
@article{RN329, author = {Corchete, V.}, title = {{Shear-wave velocity structure of Antarctica from Rayleigh-wave analysis}}, journal = {Tectonophysics}, volume = {583}, pages = {1-15}, issn = {0040-1951}, doi = {10.1016/j.tecto.2012.10.013}, year = {2013}, type = {Journal Article} }
@article{RN444, author = {Cossette, E. and Audet, P. and Schneider, D. and Grasemann, B.}, title = {{Structure and anisotropy of the crust in the Cyclades, Greece, using receiver functions constrained by in situ rock textural data}}, journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth}, volume = {121}, number = {4}, pages = {2661-2678}, issn = {2169-9313}, doi = {10.1002/2015jb012460}, year = {2016}, type = {Journal Article} }
@article{RN464, author = {Cottaar, S. and Deuss, A.}, title = {{Large-scale mantle discontinuity topography beneath Europe: Signature of akimotoite in subducting slabs}}, journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth}, volume = {121}, number = {1}, pages = {279-292}, issn = {2169-9313}, doi = {10.1002/2015jb012452}, year = {2016}, type = {Journal Article} }
@article{RN173, author = {Courtier, A. M. and Revenaugh, J.}, title = {{Deep upper-mantle melting beneath the Tasman and Coral Seas detected with multiple ScS reverberations}}, journal = {Earth and Planetary Science Letters}, volume = {259}, number = {1-2}, pages = {66-76}, issn = {0012-821X}, doi = {10.1016/j.epsl.2007.04.027}, year = {2007}, type = {Journal Article} }
@article{RN158, author = {Courtier, A. M. and Revenaugh, J.}, title = {{Slabs and shear wave reflectors in the midmantle}}, journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth}, volume = {113}, number = {B8}, pages = {9}, issn = {0148-0227}, doi = {10.1029/2007jb005261}, year = {2008}, type = {Journal Article} }
@article{RN100, author = {Crosby, A. G. and Fishwick, S. and White, N.}, title = {{Structure and evolution of the intracratonic Congo Basin}}, journal = {Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems}, volume = {11}, doi = {10.1029/2009gc003014}, year = {2010}, type = {Journal Article} }
@article{RN521, author = {Cubuk-Sabuncu, Y. and Taymaz, T. and Fichtner, A.}, title = {{3-D crustal velocity structure of western Turkey: Constraints from full-waveform tomography}}, journal = {Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors}, volume = {270}, pages = {90-112}, issn = {0031-9201}, doi = {10.1016/j.pepi.2017.06.014}, year = {2017}, type = {Journal Article} }
@article{RN253, author = {Cupillard, P. and Delavaud, E. and Burgos, G. and Festa, G. and Vilotte, J. P. and Capdeville, Y. and Montagner, J. P.}, title = {{RegSEM: a versatile code based on the spectral element method to compute seismic wave propagation at the regional scale}}, journal = {Geophysical Journal International}, volume = {188}, number = {3}, pages = {1203-1220}, issn = {0956-540X}, doi = {10.1111/j.1365-246X.2011.05311.x}, year = {2012}, type = {Journal Article} }
@article{RN234, author = {Custodio, S. and Cesca, S. and Heimann, S.}, title = {{Fast Kinematic Waveform Inversion and Robustness Analysis: Application to the 2007 M-w 5.9 Horseshoe Abyssal Plain Earthquake Offshore Southwest Iberia}}, journal = {Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America}, volume = {102}, number = {1}, pages = {361-376}, issn = {0037-1106}, doi = {10.1785/0120110125}, year = {2012}, type = {Journal Article} }
@article{RN472, author = {Custodio, S. and Dias, N. A. and Carrilho, F. and Gongora, E. and Rio, I. and Marreiros, C. and Morais, I. and Alves, P. and Matias, L.}, title = {{Earthquakes in western Iberia: improving the understanding of lithospheric deformation in a slowly deforming region}}, journal = {Geophysical Journal International}, volume = {203}, number = {1}, pages = {127-145}, issn = {0956-540X}, doi = {10.1093/gji/ggv285}, year = {2015}, type = {Journal Article} }
@article{RN480, author = {Custodio, S. and Lima, V. and Vales, D. and Cesca, S. and Carrilho, F.}, title = {{y Imaging active faulting in a region of distributed deformation from the joint clustering of focal mechanisms and hypocentres: Application to the Azores-western Mediterranean region}}, journal = {Tectonophysics}, volume = {676}, pages = {70-89}, issn = {0040-1951}, doi = {10.1016/j.tecto.2016.03.013}, year = {2016}, type = {Journal Article} }
@article{RN66, author = {Dahl-Jensen, T. and Larsen, T. B. and Voss, P. H. and Grp, Glisn}, title = {{Greenland ice sheet monitoring network (GLISN): a seismological approach}}, journal = {Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland Bulletin}, number = {20}, pages = {55-58}, issn = {1811-4598}, year = {2010}, type = {Journal Article} }
@article{RN368, author = {Dahl-Jensen, T. and Larsen, T. B. and Woelbern, I. and Bach, T. and Hanka, W. and Kind, R. and Gregersen, S. and Mosegaard, K. and Voss, P. and Gudmundsson, O.}, title = {{Depth to Moho in Greenland: receiver-function analysis suggests two Proterozoic blocks in Greenland}}, journal = {Earth and Planetary Science Letters}, volume = {205}, number = {3-4}, pages = {379-393}, issn = {0012-821X}, doi = {10.1016/s0012-821x(02)01080-4}, year = {2003}, type = {Journal Article} }
@article{RN56, author = {Dando, B. D. E. and Stuart, G. W. and Houseman, G. A. and Hegedus, E. and Bruckl, E. and Radovanovic, S.}, title = {{Teleseismic tomography of the mantle in the Carpathian-Pannonian region of central Europe}}, journal = {Geophysical Journal International}, volume = {186}, number = {1}, pages = {11-31}, issn = {0956-540X}, doi = {10.1111/j.1365-246X.2011.04998.x}, year = {2011}, type = {Journal Article} }
@article{RN43, author = {Danecek, P. and Stich, D. and Morelli, A.}, title = {{Images of the Iberian Lithosphere from One Local Earthquake}}, journal = {Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America}, volume = {101}, number = {2}, pages = {881-887}, issn = {0037-1106}, doi = {10.1785/0120100160}, year = {2011}, type = {Journal Article} }
@article{RN525, author = {Danilov, K. B.}, title = {{The Structure of the Onega Downthrown Block and Adjacent Geological Objects According to the Microseismic Sounding Method}}, journal = {Pure and Applied Geophysics}, volume = {174}, number = {7}, pages = {2663-2676}, issn = {0033-4553}, doi = {10.1007/s00024-017-1542-x}, year = {2017}, type = {Journal Article} }
@article{RN147, author = {Davies, R. J. and Brumm, M. and Manga, M. and Rubiandini, R. and Swarbrick, R. and Tingay, M.}, title = {{The East Java mud volcano (2006 to present): An earthquake or drilling trigger?}}, journal = {Earth and Planetary Science Letters}, volume = {272}, number = {3-4}, pages = {627-638}, issn = {0012-821X}, doi = {10.1016/j.epsl.2008.05.029}, year = {2008}, type = {Journal Article} }
@article{RN240, author = {Davis, M. W. and White, N. J. and Priestley, K. F. and Baptie, B. J. and Tilmann, F. J.}, title = {{Crustal structure of the British Isles and its epeirogenic consequences}}, journal = {Geophysical Journal International}, volume = {190}, number = {2}, pages = {705-725}, issn = {0956-540X}, doi = {10.1111/j.1365-246X.2012.05485.x}, year = {2012}, type = {Journal Article} }
@article{RN221, author = {Davis, P. and Berger, J.}, title = {{Initial Impact of the Global Seismographic Network Quality Initiative on Metadata Accuracy}}, journal = {Seismological Research Letters}, volume = {83}, number = {4}, pages = {697-703}, issn = {0895-0695}, doi = {10.1785/0220120021}, year = {2012}, type = {Journal Article} }
@inproceedings{RN189, author = {Dean, C. and Hayrullah, K. and Ahu, K. and Mustafa, A.}, title = {{Earthworm auto-earthquake location performance and recent improvements in seismic data acquisition, processing, archiving and dissemination at Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute}}, booktitle = {{Earthquake Monitoring and Seismic Hazard Mitigation in Balkan Countries}}, editor = {Husebye, E. S.}, series = {NATO Science Series IV Earth and Environmental Sciences}, volume = {81}, pages = {217-233}, publisher = {Springer}, isbn = {1568-1238 978-1-4020-6813-3}, year = {2008}, type = {Book Section} }
@article{DiGiacomo, author = {Di Giacomo, D.}, title = {{Suitability of rapid energy magnitude determinations for emergency response purposes (vol 180, pg 361, 2010)}}, journal = {Geophysical Journal International}, volume = {181}, number = {3}, pages = {1725-1726}, optnote = {Di Giacomo, D.}, year = {2010} }
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@article{RN245, author = {Grigoli, F. and Cesca, S. and Dahm, T. and Krieger, L.}, title = {{A complex linear least-squares method to derive relative and absolute orientations of seismic sensors}}, journal = {Geophysical Journal International}, volume = {188}, number = {3}, pages = {1243-1254}, issn = {0956-540X}, doi = {10.1111/j.1365-246X.2011.05316.x}, year = {2012}, type = {Journal Article} }
@article{RN194, author = {Grigore, A.}, title = {{National institute for earth physics (NIEP) progresses in seismic monitoring, from the past to the future}}, journal = {Romanian Reports in Physics}, volume = {60}, number = {3}, pages = {917-+}, issn = {1221-1451}, year = {2008}, type = {Journal Article} }
@article{RN361, author = {Grob, M. and Maggi, A. and Stutzmann, E.}, title = {{Observations of the seasonality of the Antarctic microseismic signal, and its association to sea ice variability}}, journal = {Geophysical Research Letters}, volume = {38}, issn = {0094-8276}, doi = {10.1029/2011gl047525}, year = {2011}, type = {Journal Article} }
@article{RN553, author = {Grund, M.}, title = {{StackSplit - a plugin for multi-event shear wave splitting analyses in SplitLab}}, journal = {Computers \& Geosciences}, volume = {105}, pages = {43-50}, issn = {0098-3004}, doi = {10.1016/j.cageo.2017.04.015}, year = {2017}, type = {Journal Article} }
@article{RN458, author = {Haberland, C. and Bohm, M. and Asch, G.}, title = {{Accretionary nature of the crust of Central and East Java (Indonesia) revealed by local earthquake travel-time tomography}}, journal = {Journal of Asian Earth Sciences}, volume = {96}, pages = {287-295}, issn = {1367-9120}, doi = {10.1016/j.jseaes.2014.09.019}, year = {2014}, type = {Journal Article} }
@article{HaberlandRietbrockLangeBatailleDahm, author = {Haberland, C. and Rietbrock, A. and Lange, D. and Bataille, K. and Dahm, T.}, title = {{Structure of the seismogenic zone of the southcentral Chilean margin revealed by local earthquake traveltime tomography}}, journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth}, volume = {114}, pages = {17}, optnote = {ISI Document Delivery No.: 401ZT Times Cited: 15 Cited Reference Count: 98 Haberland, Christian Rietbrock, Andreas Lange, Dietrich Bataille, Klaus Dahm, Torsten German BMBF; DFG[03G0594C] The TIPTEQ project is financed by the German BMBF and DFG through the R\&D program GEOTECHNOLOGIEN, grant 03G0594C (publication GEOTECH-223). Thanks to the GIPP (GFZcontrolled seismics group for providing shot locations and origin times. We are grateful to all field groups for their excellent work, the master and crew of R/ V ``SONNE'' cruise SO 181 for the offshore deployment, and J. Bribach, J. Mechie, and G. Hermosilla in particular for station service during the active experiment. We appreciate very much the valuable comments and suggestions of D. Toomey and two anonymous reviewers. All figures were made with the GMT software package [Wessel and Smith, 1998]. Thanks also to A. Siebert for help with Figure 14. AMER GEOPHYSICAL UNION, WASHINGTON}, optabstract = {We use traveltime data of local earthquakes and controlled sources observed by a large, temporary, amphibious seismic network to reveal the anatomy of the southcentral Chilean subduction zone (37-39 degrees S) between the trench and the magmatic arc. At this location the giant 1960 earthquake (M = 9.5) nucleated and ruptured almost 1000 km of the subduction megathrust. For the three-dimensional tomographic inversion we used 17,148 P wave and 10,049 S wave arrival time readings from 439 local earthquakes and 94 shots. The resolution of the tomographic images was explored by analyzing the model resolution matrix and conducting extensive numerical tests. The downgoing lithosphere is delineated by high seismic P wave velocities. High v(p)/v(s) ratio in the subducting slab reflects hydrated oceanic crust and serpentinized uppermost oceanic mantle. The subducting oceanic crust can be traced down to a depth of 80 km, as indicated by a low velocity channel. The continental crust extends to approximately a 50-km depth near the intersection with the subducting plate. This suggests a wide contact zone between continental and oceanic crust of about 150 km, potentially supporting the development of large asperities. Eastward the crustal thickness decreases again to a minimum of about a 30-km depth. Relatively low v(p)/v(s) at the base of the forearc does not support a large-scale serpentinization of the mantle wedge. Offshore, low v(p) and high v(p)/v(s) reflect young, fluid-saturated sediments of forearc basins and the accretionary prism.}, keywords = {FORE-ARC MANTLE, GREAT SUBDUCTION EARTHQUAKES, THRUST EARTHQUAKES NICOYA PENINSULA, POISSONS RATIO, NORTH-ISLAND, NEW-ZEALAND, COSTA-RICA KM DEPTH, P-WAVE}, year = {2009} }
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@article{RN495, author = {Hejrani, B. and Balling, N. and Jacobsen, B. H. and Tilmann, F.}, title = {{Upper-mantle P- and S-wave velocities across the Northern Tornquist Zone from traveltime tomography}}, journal = {Geophysical Journal International}, volume = {203}, number = {1}, pages = {437-458}, issn = {0956-540X}, doi = {10.1093/gji/ggv291}, year = {2015}, type = {Journal Article} }
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@article{RN182, author = {Hetenyi, G. and Bus, Z.}, title = {{Shear wave velocity and crustal thickness in the Pannonian Basin from receiver function inversions at four permanent stations in Hungary}}, journal = {Journal of Seismology}, volume = {11}, number = {4}, pages = {405-414}, issn = {1383-4649}, doi = {10.1007/s10950-007-9060-4}, year = {2007}, type = {Journal Article} }
@article{RN459, author = {Hetenyi, G. and Ren, Y. and Dando, B. and Stuart, G. W. and Hegedus, E. and Kovacs, A. C. and Houseman, G. A.}, title = {{Crustal structure of the Pannonian Basin: The AlCaPa and Tisza Terrains and the Mid-Hungarian Zone}}, journal = {Tectonophysics}, volume = {646}, pages = {106-116}, issn = {0040-1951}, doi = {10.1016/j.tecto.2015.02.004}, year = {2015}, type = {Journal Article} }
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@article{RN279, author = {Heuer, B. and Geissler, W. H. and Kind, R. and Kampf, H.}, title = {{Seismic evidence for asthenospheric updoming beneath the western Bohemian Massif, central Europe}}, journal = {Geophysical Research Letters}, volume = {33}, number = {5}, issn = {0094-8276}, doi = {10.1029/2005gl025158}, year = {2006}, type = {Journal Article} }
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@article{RN500, author = {Hicks, S. P. and Rietbrock, A. and Ryder, I. M. A. and Lee, C. S. and Miller, M.}, title = {{Anatomy of a megathrust: The 2010 M8.8 Maule, Chile earthquake rupture zone imaged using seismic tomography}}, journal = {Earth and Planetary Science Letters}, volume = {405}, pages = {142-155}, issn = {0012-821X}, doi = {10.1016/j.epsl.2014.08.028}, year = {2014}, type = {Journal Article} }
@article{RN411, author = {Hloupis, G. and Vallianatos, F.}, title = {{Wavelet-Based Methods for Rapid Calculations of Magnitude and Epicentral Distance: An Application to Earthquake Early Warning System}}, journal = {Pure and Applied Geophysics}, volume = {172}, number = {9}, pages = {2371-2386}, issn = {0033-4553}, doi = {10.1007/s00024-015-1081-2}, year = {2015}, type = {Journal Article} }
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@article{RN501, author = {Hofstetter, A. and Dorbath, C.}, title = {{Teleseismic traveltimes residuals across the Dead Sea basin}}, journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth}, volume = {119}, number = {12}, pages = {8884-8899}, issn = {2169-9313}, doi = {10.1002/2014jb011357}, year = {2014}, type = {Journal Article} }
@article{RN484, author = {Hofstetter, A. and Dorbath, C. and Dorbath, L. and Braeuer, B. and Weber, M.}, title = {{Stress tensor and focal mechanisms in the Dead Sea basin}}, journal = {Journal of Seismology}, volume = {20}, number = {2}, pages = {669-699}, issn = {1383-4649}, doi = {10.1007/s10950-015-9550-8}, year = {2016}, type = {Journal Article} }
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@article{RN145, author = {Zahradnik, J. and Gallovic, F. and Sokos, E. and Serpetsidaki, A. and Tselentis, A.}, title = {{Quick fault-plane identification by a geometrical method: Application to the M-W 6.2 Leonidio earthquake, 6 January 2008, Greece}}, journal = {Seismological Research Letters}, volume = {79}, number = {5}, pages = {653-662}, issn = {0895-0695}, doi = {10.1785/gssrl.79.5.653}, year = {2008}, type = {Journal Article} }
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@article{RN215, author = {Zednik, J. and Pazdirkova, J.}, title = {{SEISMIC ACTIVITY IN THE CZECH REPUBLIC IN 2007}}, journal = {Studia Geophysica Et Geodaetica}, volume = {53}, number = {2}, pages = {269-274}, issn = {0039-3169}, year = {2009}, type = {Journal Article} }
@article{RN461, author = {Zhu, H. J. and Bozdag, E. and Tromp, J.}, title = {{Seismic structure of the European upper mantle based on adjoint tomography}}, journal = {Geophysical Journal International}, volume = {201}, number = {1}, pages = {18-52}, issn = {0956-540X}, doi = {10.1093/gji/ggu492}, year = {2015}, type = {Journal Article} }
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@article{RN169, author = {Zor, E. and Sandvol, E. and Xie, J. K. and Turkelli, N. and Mitchell, B. and Gasanov, A. H. and Yetirmishli, G.}, title = {{Crustal attenuation within the Turkish plateau and surrounding regions}}, journal = {Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America}, volume = {97}, number = {1}, pages = {151-161}, issn = {0037-1106}, doi = {10.1785/0120050227}, year = {2007}, type = {Journal Article} }
@article{Andriampenomanana2017, author = {Andriampenomanana, Fenitra and Nyblade, Andrew A. and Wysession, Michael E. and Durrheim, Raymond J. and Tilmann, Frederik and Julià, Jordi and Pratt, Martin J. and Rambolamanana, Gérard and Aleqabi, Ghassan and Shore, Patrick J. and Rakotondraibe, Tsiriandrimanana}, title = {{The structure of the crust and uppermost mantle beneath Madagascar}}, journal = {Geophysical Journal International}, year = 2017, volume = 210, number = 3, pages = {1525-1544}, doi = {10.1093/gji/ggx243}, abstract = {The lithosphere of Madagascar was initially amalgamated during the Pan-African events in the Neoproterozoic. It has subsequently been reshaped by extensional processes associated with the separation from Africa and India in the Jurassic and Cretaceous, respectively, and been subjected to several magmatic events in the late Cretaceous and the Cenozoic. In this study, the crust and uppermost mantle have been investigated to gain insights into the present-day structure and tectonic evolution of Madagascar. We analysed receiver functions, computed from data recorded on 37 broad-band seismic stations, using the H–κ stacking method and a joint inversion with Rayleigh-wave phase-velocity measurements. The thickness of the Malagasy crust ranges between 18 and 46 km. It is generally thick beneath the spine of mountains in the centre part (up to 46 km thick) and decreases in thickness towards the edges of the island. The shallowest Moho is found beneath the western sedimentary basins (18 km thick), which formed during both the Permo-Triassic Karro rifting in Gondwana and the Jurassic rifting of Madagascar from eastern Africa. The crust below the sedimentary basin thickens towards the north and east, reflecting the progressive development of the basins. In contrast, in the east there was no major rifting episode. Instead, the slight thinning of the crust along the east coast (31–36 km thick) may have been caused by crustal uplift and erosion when Madagascar moved over the Marion hotspot and India broke away from it. The parameters describing the crustal structure of Archean and Proterozoic terranes, including average thickness (40 km versus 35 km), Poisson's ratio (0.25 versus 0.26), average shear-wave velocity (both 3.7 km s–1), and thickness of mafic lower crust (7 km versus 4 km), show weak evidence of secular variation. The uppermost mantle beneath Madagascar is generally characterized by shear-wave velocities typical of stable lithosphere (∼4.5 km s–1). However, markedly slow shear-wave velocities (4.2–4.3 km s–1) are observed beneath the northern tip, central part and southwestern region of the island where the major Cenozoic volcanic provinces are located, implying the lithosphere has been significantly modified in these places.} }
@article{Anjelina2017, author = {Nur Rokhmawati Anjelina and Asnawi}, title = {{Identifikasi bidang patahan menyebabkan aktivitas gempa di Jawa selatan menggunakan metode H-C}}, journal = {Inovasi Fisika Indonesia}, year = 2017, volume = 6, number = 3, abstract = {Java is an island located north of the central location of the encounter zone of indo-australian plate and eurasian plate, this resulted in frequent tectonic earthquakes with shallow depths in the opposite area resulting in cracks occurring in the earths crust or better known as cesarean. Where this rock movement can be so fast. This causes the rapid identification of fault fields by determining which field is a fault field by using HC plot software to be able to find out what kind of fault is causing an earthquake with great strength over a 5.5 Mw scale. HC plot software needs hyposenter data from several earthquake agents, namely USGS IRIS station, and Geofon mainly uses Centroid data which is Global CMT data in 2006-2016 with 15 events and 15 earthquake locations. After the use of HC software this plot is executed obtained a statement that, the earthquake that occurred Dijawa south occurred due to active Fault. As the cause of the earthquake in the south dominant occurs due to a normal fault fault, and the fault reverse or cesarean rises. This is in line with the statement that the field of subduction on the island of Java occurs due to the encounter of the Indo Australian plate and the Eurasian plate pressing against each other} }
@article{Ansari2017, author = {Ansari, K. and Corumluoglu, O. and Sharma, S.}, title = {{Numerical Simulation of Crustal Strain in Turkey from Continuous GNSS Measurements in the Interval 2009-2017}}, journal = {Journal of Geodetic Science}, year = 2017, volume = 7, number = 1, pages = {113-129}, doi = {10.1515/jogs-2017-0013}, annote = {Retrieved 20 Feb. 2018. Uses GEOFON event parameters; cites web site.} }
@article{Ikmahtiar2017, author = {Tifani Ikmahtiar and Madlazim}, title = {{Pengaruh hiposenter terhadap ketelitian penentuan bidang patahan teraktifkan menggunakan metode HC-plot di wilayah Papua}}, journal = {Inovasi Fisika Indonesia}, year = 2017, volume = 6, number = 3, annote = {Uses GEOFON parameteric centroid data}, abstract = {The study to analyze the effect of hypocenter parameters to the accuracy in determining of the activated fault plane in the Papua area has been conducted. This research was an experimental research. The HC-plot method was occupied to determine the activated fault plane by justifying the location of hypocenter and centroid. Ten numbers of earthquake each with magnitude more than 5.7 SR were utilized as the source data. The parameters needed in this work were hypocenter, centroid, dip, slip of every earthquake. The hypocenter of the 10 earthquake events were taken from IRIS, USGS, GEOFON seismic networks. The source of centroid, dip, and slip was from Global CMT seismic network. Those parameters were inputted to HC-plot software to get a plot of and identified activated fault plane. The independent variable was used in this research is hypocenter, and the dependent variable is the accuracy of the activated fault field. There after, the direction and the orientation of activated fault plane can be found. A summary that can be drawn was the hypocenter parameter was very influent in determining for activated fault plane, where the hypocenter distance to one of the nodal planes of the two planes closest to or near 0 km was a plane of activated fault.} }
@article{Kalyvas2017, author = {Christos Kalyvas and Athanasios Kokkos and Theodoros Tzouramanis}, title = {{A survey of official online sources of high-quality free-of-charge geospatial data for maritime geographic information systems applications}}, journal = {Information Systems}, year = 2017, doi = {10.1016/j.is.2016.11.002}, volume = 65, pages = {36-51}, month = apr, annote = {No open online text?} }
@article{Kkallas2018, author = {Ch. Kkallas and C. B. Papazachos and B. N. Margaris and D. Boore and Ch. Ventouzi and A. Skarlatoudis}, title = {{Stochastic Strong Ground Motion Simulation of the Southern Aegean Sea Benioff Zone Intermediate‐Depth Earthquakes}}, journal = {Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America}, year = 2018, annote = {Cited by URL http://geofon.gfz-potsdam.de/waveform/archive }, volume = {XX}, number = {XX}, pages = {--}, doi = {10.1785/0120170047} }
@article{Kılıç2017, author = {Kılıç, T. and Ottemöller, L. and Havskov, J. and K. Yanık and Ö. Kılıçarslan and F. Alver and M. Özyazıcıoğlu}, title = {{Local magnitude scale for earthquakes in Turkey}}, journal = {J Seismol.}, year = 2017, volume = 21, number = 1, pages = {35-46}, month = jan, doi = {10.1007/s10950-016-9581-9}, annote = {Uses SeisComP software} }
@article{Lestari2017, author = {Intan Puji Lestari and Madlazim}, title = {Pengaruh konfigurasi stasiun seismik terhadap hasil estimasi parameter sumber gempa bumi menggunakan metode inversi waveform tiga komponen}, journal = {Jurnal Inovasi Fisika Indonesia (IFI)}, year = 2017, issn = {2302-4313}, volume = 6, number = 2, pages = {18-22}, annote = {Uses waveforms for 8 *I stations, via [BMKG instance of] WebDC 3}, abstract = {This study has been conducted to analize the effect of seismic station configurations to the results of earthquake source parameters estimation. The data used to determine the source parameters of earthquake are three component local waveforms that are recorded by eight GEOFON-IA broadband stations which belong to WebDC 3 (BLSI, KASI, LHSI, LWLI, MDSI, PDSI, PPBI, and RGRI) that occurred in Jambi, West Sumatera on 01 October 2009 at 01:52:29 GMT. We report a source parameter of this event using discrete wave number method to calculate the Green function and deconvolution iteration method to invert the moment tensor from three component local waveforms. This method is implemented in ISOLA software. The data is inverted at 0.03 Hz until 0.07 Hz to obtain the earthquake source parameters. From the discussion show that there are toward to the station configuration on result of the earthquake source parameter estimation. If the spread of the azimuth seismic stations approximated to 180° is the result of the earthquake source parameter estimates is more accurately and agree with Global CMT catalogue, which is an institution that is used as a reference seismological research in the world.} }
@article{Li2018, author = {Li, Chenyu and Peng, Zhigang and Yao, Dongdong and Guo, Hao and Zhan, Zhongwen and Zhang, Haijiang}, title = {{Abundant Aftershock Sequence of the 2015 Mw7.5 Hindu Kush Intermediate-Depth Earthquake}}, journal = {Geophysical Journal International}, pages = {ggy016}, year = 2018, month = jan, day = 23, doi = {10.1093/gji/ggy016}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/gji/ggy016}, zzzeprint = {/oup/backfile/content_public/journal/gji/pap/10.1093_gji_ggy016/1/ggy016.pdf} }
@inproceedings{Manconi2017, author = {Andrea Manconi and Stefano Luigi Gariano and Velio Coviello and Fausto Guzzetti}, title = {{How Many Rainfall-Induced Landslides Are Detectable by a Regional Seismic Monitoring Network?}}, booktitle = {{Advancing Culture of Living with Landslides}}, year = 2017, editor = {Mikoš M. and Arbanas Ž. and Yin Y. and Sassa K}, month = may, address = {Cham}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-53487-9_18}, publisher = {Springer}, annote = {No free text; abstract mentions EIDA, ORFEUS} }
@article{Prastowo2017, author = {T Prastowo and Madlazim}, title = {Real-time detection and characterization of nuclear explosion using broadband analyses of regional seismic stations}, journal = {J. Phys.: Conf. Ser.}, year = 2017, volume = 953, pages = 012211, doi = {10.1088/1742-6596/953/1/012211} }
@article{Stepnov2017, author = {Stepnov, A. A. and Konovalov, A. V. and Gavrilov, A. V. and Manaychev, K. A.}, title = {Earthworm-based automatic system for real-time calculation of local earthquake source parameters}, journal = {Seismic Instruments}, year = 2017, month = oct, day = 01, volume = 53, number = 4, pages = {267--279}, abstract = {Experience in introduction of an automatic system of earthquake source parameter calculation based on an existing seismic network is described. Open source software products for automatic seismic data processing are reviewed. Methods for real-time waveform stream processing are discussed in detail. Parameters of some subroutines of the system are described. Information flows and data life cycle in the developed automatic system are outlined. Earthquake location errors in the system are analyzed. The detection capability of seismic networks is evaluated.}, issn = {1934-7871}, doi = {10.3103/S0747923917040107}, note = {(Russian)}, xxxorginal = {A.A. Stepnov, A.V. Konovalov, A.V. Gavrilov, K.A. Manaychev, 2016, published in Seismicheskie Pribory, 2016, Vol. 52, No. 4, pp. 14–32.}, annote = {Cites "GEOFON program" URL, and SC3 USer License Agreement license.pdf and "Installation and Requirements" page at seiscomp3.org} }
@article{Suchodoletz2017, author = {Hans von Suchodoletz and Christoph Zielhofer and Silvan Hoth and Josefine Umlauft and Birgit Schneider and Christian Zeeden and Lasha Sukhishvili and Dominik Faust}, title = {{North Atlantic influence on Holocene flooding in the southern Greater Caucasus}}, journal = {The Holocene}, volume = {0}, number = {0}, pages = {0959683617735584}, year = 2017, doi = {10.1177/0959683617735584}, url = {http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/0959683617735584}, zzzeprint = {https://doi.org/10.1177/0959683617735584}, abstract = {In the context of global climate change, flooding becomes an increasingly serious threat to modern societies, and future flooding can only be understood using long-term geological flood records also encompassing Holocene climate variability. Unlike other regions, Holocene flooding in the Caucasus region is only poorly understood so far: Whereas some rivers originating from the Lesser Caucasus were investigated, no studies exist about rivers originating from the Greater Caucasus. This study investigated the Holocene fluvial dynamics of the upper Alazani River in the southern Greater Caucasus using chronostratigraphic and sedimentologic methods applied to a fluvial sediment-paleosol sequence. By comparing these data with other paleoenvironmental and regional recent hydroclimatic data, we aimed to identify the main drivers of Holocene flooding in the southern Greater Caucasus. Our study shows a link between fluvial sedimentation around 7.3, 5.4, 3.8–2.9 and around 1.7 cal. ka BP and North Atlantic Bond events. Although probably caused by a discharge maximum during spring, fluvial sedimentation is coeval with low regional spring precipitation. As supported by recent hydroclimatic data, intensified floods during Bond events could possibly be explained with more intensive precipitation but also a prolonged snow season during colder winters. The latter would lead to more spring meltwater and thus more intensive spring discharge. Consequently, given increasing annual temperatures because of human-caused global warming, the flood maxima of pluvio-nival rivers in the southern Greater Caucasus may be expected to decrease during the next decades. Our findings underline the need of geological flood records to understand future flood patterns of rivers in mountain regions with complex runoff regimes.}, annote = {Cites global catalogue, Seismic Information Service of the GFZ Potsdam by URL http://geofon.gfz-potsdam.de/eqinfo/form.php} }
@article{Sugiarti2017, author = {Anis Sugiarti and Madlazim}, title = {{Pengaruh jenis sesar terhadap distribusi perubahan tegangan Coulomb statis pada kasus gempa bumi dengan mw $\ge$ 5,9 di Sumatera selatan periode 2012-2016}}, journal = {Inovasi Fisika Indonesia}, year = 2017, volume = 6, number = 2, annote = {Uses GEOFON focal mechanism data} }
@inproceedings{ISI:000454422400014, author = {Anggono, T. and Syuhada and Febriani, F. and Soedjatmiko, B. and Amran, A.}, editor = {{Khaerudini, DS and Febriani, F and Oemry, F and Sugihartono, I and Setiawan, R and Syuhada and Widayatno, WB and Sugiarti, E and Ma, Y and Isnaeni and Izzuddin, H and Susila, IP and Sudiro, T and Herbani, Y}}, title = {{Investigation of sediment thickness effect to the receiver function through forward modelling}}, booktitle = {{{3RD INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON FRONTIER OF APPLIED PHYSICS (ISFAP 2017)}}}, series = {Journal of Physics Conference Series}, year = 2018, volume = {{985}}, note = {{3rd International Symposium on Frontier of Applied Physics (ISFAP) part of Indonesian Science Expo, Jakarta, Indonesia, Oct. 23-24, 2017}}, organization = {{Res Ctr Phys Indonesian Inst Sci}}, doi = {10.1088/1742-6596/985/1/012014}, article-number = {{UNSP 012014}}, issn = {{1742-6588}}, eissn = {{1742-6596}}, unique-id = {{ISI:000454422400014}} }
@article{ISI:000441649400002, author = {Barriere, Julien and d'Oreye, Nicolas and Oth, Adrien and Geirsson, Halldor and Mashagiro, Niche and Johnson, Jeffrey B. and Smets, Benoit and Samsonov, Sergey and Kervyn, Francois}, title = {{Single-Station Seismo-Acoustic Monitoring of Nyiragongo's Lava Lake Activity (D.R. Congo)}}, journal = {Frontiers in Earth Science}, year = 2018, volume = {{6}}, month = {June 19}, doi = {10.3389/feart.2018.00082}, article-number = {{UNSP 82}}, issn = {{2296-6463}}, unique-id = {{ISI:000441649400002}} }
@article{ISI:000448475100019, author = {Bloch, Wasja and John, Timm and Kummerow, Joern and Salazar, Pablo and Krueger, Oliver S. and Shapiro, Serge A.}, title = {{Watching Dehydration: Seismic Indication for Transient Fluid Pathways in the Oceanic Mantle of the Subducting Nazca Slab}}, journal = {{Geochemistry geophysics geosystems}}, year = 2018, volume = {{19}}, number = {{9}}, pages = {{3189-3207}}, month = sep, doi = {10.1029/2018GC007703}, issn = {{1525-2027}}, orcid-numbers = {{Salazar, Pablo/0000-0002-7496-705X}}, unique-id = {{ISI:000448475100019}} }
@article{ISI:000436249900022, author = {Bloch, Wasja and Schurr, Bernd and Kummerow, Joern and Salazar, Pablo and Shapiro, Serge A.}, title = {{From Slab Coupling to Slab Pull: Stress Segmentation in the Subducting Nazca Plate}}, journal = {Geophysical Research Letters}, year = 2018, volume = {{45}}, number = {{11}}, pages = {{5407-5416}}, month = jun, day = {{June 16}}, doi = {10.1029/2018GL078793}, issn = {{0094-8276}}, eissn = {{1944-8007}}, orcid-numbers = {{Bloch, Wasja/0000-0002-0341-4925 Schurr, Bernd/0000-0002-3746-9166 Salazar, Pablo/0000-0002-7496-705X}}, unique-id = {{ISI:000436249900022}} }
@article{ISI:000442588900026, author = {Chounet, Agnes and Vallee, Martin}, title = {{Global and Interregion Characterization of Subduction Interface Earthquakes Derived From Source Time Functions Properties}}, journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth}, year = 2018, volume = {{123}}, number = {{7}}, pages = {{5831-5852}}, month = jul, doi = {10.1029/2018JB015932}, issn = {{2169-9313}}, eissn = {{2169-9356}}, unique-id = {{ISI:000442588900026}} }
@article{ISI:000427926300005, author = {Darbyshire, Fiona A. and Dahl-Jensen, Trine and Larsen, Tine B. and Voss, Peter H. and Joyal, Guillaume}, title = {{Crust and uppermost-mantle structure of Greenland and the Northwest Atlantic from Rayleigh wave group velocity tomography}}, journal = {Geophysical Journal International}, year = 2018, volume = {{212}}, number = {{3}}, pages = {{1546-1569}}, month = mar, doi = {10.1093/gji/ggx479}, issn = {{0956-540X}}, eissn = {{1365-246X}}, researcherid-numbers = {{Dahl-Jensen, Trine/G-4920-2017 Larsen, Tine B./H-5091-2018}}, orcid-numbers = {{Dahl-Jensen, Trine/0000-0002-0800-3105 Larsen, Tine B./0000-0001-8240-337X}}, unique-id = {{ISI:000427926300005}} }
@article{ISI:000450640800022, author = {Deen, M. and Stutzmann, E. and Ardhuin, F.}, title = {{The Earth's Hum Variations From a Global Model and Seismic Recordings Around the Indian Ocean}}, journal = {{Geochemistry geophysics geosystems}}, year = 2018, volume = {{19}}, number = {{10}}, pages = {{4006-4020}}, month = oct, doi = {10.1029/2018GC007478}, issn = {{1525-2027}}, orcid-numbers = {{Stutzmann, Eleonore/0000-0002-4348-7475 Ardhuin, Fabrice/0000-0002-9309-9681}}, unique-id = {{ISI:000450640800022}} }
@article{ISI:000439933200036, author = {Dreiling, Jennifer and Tilmann, Frederik and Yuan, Xiaohui and Giese, Joerg and Rindraharisaona, Elisa J. and Ruempker, Georg and Wysession, Michael E.}, title = {{Crustal Radial Anisotropy and Linkage to Geodynamic Processes: A Study Based on Seismic Ambient Noise in Southern Madagascar}}, journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth}, year = 2018, volume = {{123}}, number = {{6}}, pages = {{5130-5146}}, month = jun, doi = {10.1029/2017JB015273}, issn = {{2169-9313}}, eissn = {{2169-9356}}, researcherid-numbers = {{Yuan, Xiaohui/G-5149-2010 Tilmann, Frederik/E-4293-2012 }}, orcid-numbers = {{Yuan, Xiaohui/0000-0002-2891-1354 Tilmann, Frederik/0000-0002-7439-8782 Wysession, Michael/0000-0003-4711-3443}}, unique-id = {{ISI:000439933200036}} }
@article{ISI:000456424300007, author = {Grund, Michael and Ritter, Joachim R. R.}, title = {{Widespread seismic anisotropy in Earth's lowermost mantle beneath the Atlantic and Siberia}}, journal = {Geology}, year = 2018, volume = {47}, number = {2}, pages = {123-126}, month = dec, doi = {10.1130/G45514.1}, eprint = {https://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/geology/article-pdf/47/2/123/4617127/123.pdf}, issn = {0091-7613}, eissn = {1943-2682}, researcherid-numbers = {{Facility, NERC Geophysical Equipment/G-5260-2010 }}, orcid-numbers = {{Grund, Michael/0000-0001-8759-2018}}, times-cited = {{1}}, unique-id = {{ISI:000456424300007}} }
@article{ISI:000455996900022, author = {Kufner, Sofia-Katerina and Eken, Tuna and Tilmann, Frederik and Schurr, Bernd and Yuan, Xiaohui and Mechie, James and Sippl, Christian and Schneider, Felix}, title = {{Seismic Anisotropy Beneath the Pamir and the Hindu Kush: Evidence for Contributions From Crust, Mantle Lithosphere, and Asthenosphere}}, journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth}, year = 2018, volume = {{123}}, number = {{12}}, pages = {{10727-10748}}, month = dec, doi = {10.1029/2018JB015926}, issn = {{2169-9313}}, eissn = {{2169-9356}}, orcid-numbers = {{Tilmann, Frederik/0000-0002-7439-8782 Yuan, Xiaohui/0000-0002-2891-1354 Schurr, Bernd/0000-0002-3746-9166}}, unique-id = {{ISI:000455996900022}} }
@article{ISI:000444546700007, author = {Kufner, Sofia-Katerina and Schurr, Bernd and Ratschbacher, Lothar and Murodkulov, Shohrukh and Abdulhameed, Sanaa and Ischuk, Anatoly and Metzger, Sabrina and Kakar, Najibullah}, title = {{Seismotectonics of the Tajik Basin and Surrounding Mountain Ranges}}, journal = {Tectonics}, year = 2018, volume = {{37}}, number = {{8}}, pages = {{2404-2424}}, month = aug, doi = {10.1029/2017TC004812}, issn = {{0278-7407}}, eissn = {{1944-9194}}, orcid-numbers = {{Ratschbacher, Lothar/0000-0001-9960-2084 Kufner, Sofia-Katerina/0000-0002-9687-5455 Schurr, Bernd/0000-0002-3746-9166}}, unique-id = {{ISI:000444546700007}} }
@article{Lange2018, author = {Lange, Dietrich and Tilmann, Frederik and Henstock, Tim and Rietbrock, Andreas and Natawidjaja, Danny and Kopp, Heidrun}, title = {Structure of the central {Sumatran} subduction zone revealed by local earthquake travel-time tomography using an amphibious network}, journal = {Solid Earth}, year = 2018, volume = 9, number = 4, pages = {1035-1049}, month = aug, day = {Aug 21}, doi = {10.5194/se-9-1035-2018}, urlold = {http://oceanrep.geomar.de/40144/7/se-2017-128.pdf}, issn = {{1869-9510}}, eissn = {{1869-9529}}, researcherid-numbers = {{Kopp, Heidrun/A-8917-2015 Tilmann, Frederik/E-4293-2012 }}, orcid-numbers = {{Kopp, Heidrun/0000-0002-6898-1568 Tilmann, Frederik/0000-0002-7439-8782 Henstock, Timothy/0000-0002-2132-2514 Lange, Dietrich/0000-0003-2654-7963}}, unique-id = {{ISI:000442266000001}} }
@article{ISI:000439933200018, author = {Lynner, Colton and Beck, Susan L. and Zandt, George and Porritt, Robert W. and Lin, Fan-Chi and Eilon, Zachary C.}, title = {{Midcrustal Deformation in the Central Andes Constrained by Radial Anisotropy}}, journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth}, year = 2018, volume = {{123}}, number = {{6}}, pages = {{4798-4813}}, month = jun, doi = {10.1029/2017JB014936}, issn = {{2169-9313}}, eissn = {{2169-9356}}, orcid-numbers = {{Lynner, Colton/0000-0003-4534-6294 Eilon, Zachary/0000-0002-4373-646X}}, unique-id = {{ISI:000439933200018}} }
@article{ISI:000446235100004, author = {Nikulins, Valerijs and Assinovskaya, Bela}, title = {{Seismicity of the East Baltic region after the Kaliningrad earthquakes on 21 September 2004}}, journal = {Baltica}, year = 2018, volume = {{31}}, number = {{1}}, pages = {{35-48}}, month = jun, doi = {10.5200/baltica.2018.31.04}, issn = {{0067-3064}}, eissn = {{1648-858X}}, unique-id = {{ISI:000446235100004}} }
@article{ISI:000448656800041, author = {Pasten-Araya, F. and Salazar, P. and Ruiz, S. and Rivera, E. and Potin, B. and Maksymowicz, A. and Torres, E. and Villarroel, J. and Cruz, E. and Valenzuela, J. and Jaldin, D. and Gonzalez, G. and Bloch, W. and Wigger, P. and Shapiro, S. A.}, title = {{Fluids Along the Plate Interface Influencing the Frictional Regime of the Chilean Subduction Zone, Northern Chile}}, journal = {Geophysical Research Letters}, year = 2018, volume = {{45}}, number = {{19}}, pages = {{10378-10388}}, month = oct, day = {{Oct. 16}}, doi = {10.1029/2018GL079283}, issn = {{0094-8276}}, eissn = {{1944-8007}}, researcherid-numbers = {{Ruiz, Sergio/D-6688-2013 }}, orcid-numbers = {{Ruiz, Sergio/0000-0003-1758-0788 Pasten-Araya, Francisco/0000-0001-9318-0343 Salazar, Pablo/0000-0002-7496-705X}}, unique-id = {{ISI:000448656800041}} }
@article{ISI:000429116300016, author = {Pina-Valdes, Jesus and Socquet, Anne and Cotton, Fabrice and Specht, Sebastian}, title = {{Spatiotemporal Variations of Ground Motion in Northern Chile before and after the 2014 M-w 8.1 Iquique Megathrust Event}}, journal = {Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America}, year = 2018, volume = {{108}}, number = {{2}}, pages = {{801-814}}, month = apr, doi = {10.1785/0120170052}, issn = {{0037-1106}}, eissn = {{1943-3573}}, researcherid-numbers = {{Cotton, Fabrice/H-5013-2012}}, unique-id = {{ISI:000429116300016}} }
@article{ISI:000447858800037, author = {Pourpoint, Maeva and Anandakrishnan, Sridhar and Ammon, Charles J. and Alley, Richard B.}, title = {{Lithospheric Structure of Greenland From Ambient Noise and Earthquake Surface Wave Tomography}}, journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth}, year = 2018, volume = {{123}}, number = {{9}}, pages = {{7850-7876}}, month = sep, doi = {10.1029/2018JB015490}, issn = {{2169-9313}}, eissn = {{2169-9356}}, orcid-numbers = {{Alley, Richard/0000-0003-1833-0115 Pourpoint, Maeva/0000-0003-3537-9770}}, unique-id = {{ISI:000447858800037}} }
@article{ISI:000434706200004, author = {Puglia, R. and Russo, E. and Luzi, L. and D'Amico, M. and Felicetta, C. and Pacor, F. and Lanzano, G.}, title = {{Strong-motion processing service: a tool to access and analyse earthquakes strong-motion waveforms}}, journal = {Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering}, year = 2018, volume = {{16}}, number = {{7}}, pages = {{2641-2651}}, month = jul, doi = {10.1007/s10518-017-0299-z}, issn = {{1570-761X}}, eissn = {{1573-1456}}, researcherid-numbers = {{D'Amico, Maria/A-1492-2019 }}, orcid-numbers = {{D'Amico, Maria/0000-0002-1677-1294 Luzi, Lucia/0000-0003-4312-580X}}, unique-id = {{ISI:000434706200004}} }
@article{ISI:000438732900005, author = {Qian, H. and Mechie, J. and Li, H. and Xue, G. and Su, H. and Cui, X.}, title = {{Structure of the Crust and Mantle Down to 700km Depth beneath the Longmenshan From P Receiver Functions}}, journal = {Tectonics}, year = 2018, volume = {{37}}, number = {{6}}, pages = {{1688-1708}}, month = jun, doi = {10.1029/2017TC004726}, issn = {{0278-7407}}, eissn = {{1944-9194}}, unique-id = {{ISI:000438732900005}} }
@article{ISI:000423892400012, author = {Reiss, M. C. and Ruempker, G. and Woelbern, I.}, title = {{Large-scale trench-normal mantle flow beneath central South America}}, journal = {Earth and Planetary Science Letters}, year = 2018, volume = {{482}}, pages = {{115-125}}, month = jan, day = {Jan. 15}, doi = {10.1016/j.epsl.2017.11.002}, issn = {{0012-821X}}, eissn = {{1385-013X}}, orcid-numbers = {{Reiss, Miriam/0000-0002-0250-4988}}, unique-id = {{ISI:000423892400012}} }
@article{ISI:000435944700043, author = {Sippl, C. and Schurr, B. and Asch, G. and Kummerow, J.}, title = {{Seismicity Structure of the Northern Chile Forearc From > 100,000 Double-Difference Relocated Hypocenters}}, journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth}, year = 2018, volume = {{123}}, number = {{5}}, pages = {{4063-4087}}, month = may, doi = {10.1002/2017JB015384}, issn = {{2169-9313}}, eissn = {{2169-9356}}, orcid-numbers = {{Sippl, Christian/0000-0003-4130-6340 Schurr, Bernd/0000-0002-3746-9166}}, unique-id = {{ISI:000435944700043}} }
@article{ISI:000455647900010, author = {Woelbern, Ingo and Ruempker, Georg}, title = {{A Sequence of up to 11 Seismic Discontinuities Down to the Midmantle Beneath Southeast Asia}}, journal = {{Geochemistry geophysics geosystems}}, year = 2018, volume = {{19}}, number = {{12}}, pages = {{4820-4835}}, month = dec, doi = {10.1029/2018GC007827}, issn = {{1525-2027}}, unique-id = {{ISI:000455647900010}} }
@article{ISI:000442977500011, author = {Yamaya, Lina and Borgeaud, Anselme F. E. and Kawai, Kenji and Geller, Robert J. and Konishi, Kensuke}, title = {{Effects of redetermination of source time functions on the 3-D velocity structure inferred by waveform inversion}}, journal = {Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors}, year = 2018, volume = {{282}}, pages = {{117-143}}, month = sep, doi = {10.1016/j.pepi.2018.04.012}, issn = {{0031-9201}}, eissn = {{1872-7395}}, researcherid-numbers = {{Geller, Robert/A-1753-2009 Kawai, Kenji/A-1912-2009}}, orcid-numbers = {{Geller, Robert/0000-0001-6628-9431 Kawai, Kenji/0000-0003-4383-4622}}, unique-id = {{ISI:000442977500011}} }
@article{ISI:000462621700017, author = {Ferreira, Ana M. G. and Faccenda, Manuele and Sturgeon, William and Chang, Sung-Joon and Schardong, Lewis}, title = {{Ubiquitous lower-mantle anisotropy beneath subduction zones}}, journal = {Nature Geoscience}, year = 2019, volume = {{12}}, number = {{4}}, pages = {301-306}, month = apr, doi = {10.1038/s41561-019-0325-7}, issn = {{1752-0894}}, eissn = {{1752-0908}}, researcherid-numbers = {{Chang, Sung-Joon/A-2114-2009}}, orcid-numbers = {{Chang, Sung-Joon/0000-0003-1434-1132}}, unique-id = {{ISI:000462621700017}} }
@article{ISI:000460069800012, author = {Isse, Takehi and Kawakatsu, Hitoshi and Yoshizawa, Kazunori and Takeo, Akiko and Shiobara, Hajime and Sugioka, Hiroko and Ito, Aki and Suetsugu, Daisuke and Reymond, Dominique}, title = {Surface wave tomography for the {Pacific} {Ocean} incorporating seafloor seismic observations and plate thermal evolution}, journal = {Earth and Planetary Science Letters}, year = 2019, volume = {{510}}, pages = {{116-130}}, month = mar, day = {{Mar 15}}, doi = {{10.1016/j.epsl.2018.12.033}}, issn = {{0012-821X}}, eissn = {{1385-013X}}, researcherid-numbers = {{Yoshizawa, Kazunori/B-5631-2008}}, orcid-numbers = {{Yoshizawa, Kazunori/0000-0003-2282-3748 Isse, Takehi/0000-0001-9087-8711}}, times-cited = {{1}}, unique-id = {{ISI:000460069800012}} }
@article{ISI:000462355800036, author = {Civiero, Chiara and Cust\'odio, Susana and Rawlinson, Nicholas and Strak, Vincent and Silveira, Gra\c{c}a and Arroucau, Pierre and Corela, Carlos}, title = {{Thermal Nature of Mantle Upwellings Below the Ibero-Western Maghreb Region Inferred From Teleseismic Tomography}}, journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth}, year = 2019, volume = {124}, number = {2}, pages = {1781-1801}, month = feb, doi = {10.1029/2018JB016531}, issn = {{2169-9313}}, eissn = {{2169-9356}}, researcherid-numbers = {{Corela, Carlos Jorge Caetano/M-1567-2014 Silveira, Graca/H-5404-2019 Civiero, Chiara/K-3909-2015 Custodio, Susana/K-7598-2012 Strak, Vincent/G-3689-2017 }}, orcid-numbers = {{Corela, Carlos Jorge Caetano/0000-0002-0150-2286 Silveira, Graca/0000-0002-2110-2554 Civiero, Chiara/0000-0002-6809-933X Custodio, Susana/0000-0001-7457-4179 Strak, Vincent/0000-0002-8664-8419 Rawlinson, Nicholas/0000-0002-6977-291X}}, times-cited = {{2}}, unique-id = {{ISI:000462355800036}} }
@article{10.1093/gji/ggy114, author = {Karasözen, Ezgi and Nissen, Edwin and Büyükakpınar, Pınar and Kalkan Ertan, Esra and Cambaz, Musavver Didem and Kahraman, Metin and Özacar, Atilla Arda and Abgarmi, Bizhan and Bergman, Eric and Ghods, Abdolreza}, title = {{The 2017 July 20 Mw 6.6 Bodrum–Kos earthquake illuminates active faulting in the Gulf of Gökova, SW Turkey}}, journal = {Geophysical Journal International}, volume = {214}, number = {1}, pages = {185-199}, year = {2018}, month = mar, abstract = {{The 2017 July 20 Bodrum–Kos earthquake (Mw 6.6) is the largest instrumentally recorded earthquake in the Gökova graben, one of the primary physiographic features of SW Turkey. Using seismology and satellite geodesy, we investigate its source characteristics, aftershock distribution, relationship with earlier instrumental seismicity, and association with known surface faulting. We show that the earthquake ruptured a planar (non-listric) normal fault that dips gently ( ∼37°) northwards beneath the northern Gulf of Gökova coastline, initiating at a depth of ∼11 km and rupturing upwards and bilaterally. Aftershocks concentrate around (but not necessarily on) the western, eastern and downdip edges of the ∼25 km-long rupture plane, and have maximum focal depths of ∼15 km. The main shock surface trace bounds a bathymetric ridge east of Kos island, and may be one of the several faults imaged previously in this area using seismic profiling and multibeam sonar. The fault thus lies within the hangingwall of the lower-angle (∼20° N-dipping) South Datça fault, which it presumably cross-cuts at depth. Through calibrated relocations, we confirm that sequences of moderate (Mw 5–5.5) earthquakes in 1989, 2004 and 2005 occurred in the eastern and central Gulf of Gökova, many of them likely within the hangingwall of the S-dipping Gökova fault. Overall, our results indicate a switch from dominant S-dipping normal faulting in the eastern graben to dominant N-dipping faulting in the west, but we find no support for a proposed NE–SW-trending left-lateral fault in the central Gulf; most colocated focal mechanisms involve ∼E–W normal faulting. Finally, the Bodrum–Kos main shock adds to growing set of examples from across the Aegean region of large normal faulting earthquakes that cut the seismogenic layer as simple planar structures.}}, issn = {0956-540X}, doi = {10.1093/gji/ggy114}, http = {http://oup.prod.sis.lan/gji/article-pdf/214/1/185/24787572/ggy114.pdf} }
@article{bindi2018temporal, title = {Temporal variability of ground shaking and stress drop in Central Italy: A hint for fault healing?}, author = {Bindi, Dino and Cotton, Fabrice and Spallarossa, Daniele and Picozzi, Matteo and Rivalta, Eleonora}, journal = {Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America}, volume = {108}, number = {4}, pages = {1853--1863}, year = {2018}, publisher = {Seismological Society of America} }
@article{kysel2019seismic, title = {Seismic activity on the territory of Slovakia in 2016}, author = {KYSEL, R{\'o}bert and CIPCIAR, Andrej and CHOVANOV{\'A}, Zuzana and CSICSAY, Kristi{\'a}n and FOJT{\'I}KOV{\'A}, Lucia and G{\'A}LIS, Martin and KRISTEKOV{\'A}, Miriam}, journal = {Contributions to Geophysics and Geodesy}, volume = 49, number = 1, pages = {1-10}, year = 2019, month = mar, doi = {10.2478/congeo-2019-0001}, issn = {1338-0540}, publisher = {Walter de Gruyter GmbH} }
@article{bindi2018impact, title = {Impact of magnitude selection on aleatory variability associated with ground-motion prediction equations: Part I—Local, energy, and moment magnitude calibration and stress-drop variability in central Italy}, author = {Bindi, D and Spallarossa, D and Picozzi, M and Scafidi, D and Cotton, F}, journal = {Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America}, volume = {108}, number = {3A}, pages = {1427--1442}, year = {2018}, publisher = {Seismological Society of America} }
@article{toker2018array, title = {The array analyzing of the high quality glacial seismic events active in Greenland using long- period surface (Rayleigh) wave detection by the German Regional Seismic Network}, author = {Toker, Mustafa}, journal = {Hittite Journal of Science \& Engineering}, volume = {5}, number = {2}, pages = {165--173}, year = {2018} }
@article{butler2019seismic, title = {Seismic precursors to a 2017 {Nuugaatsiaq}, {Greenland}, earthquake-landslide-tsunami event}, author = {Butler, Rhett}, journal = {Natural Hazards}, pages = {961-973}, volume = {96}, year = 2019, publisher = {Springer}, month = feb, doi = {10.1007/S11069-019-03582-8} }
@article{fromm2018awi, title = {The AWI Network Antarctica-Alfred-Wegener Institute, Germany}, author = {Fromm, Tanja and Eckstaller, Alfons and Asseng, J{\"o}lund}, journal = {Summary of the Bulletin of the International Seismological Centre}, pages = {26--34}, year = {2018}, publisher = {International Seismological Centre} }
@article{williams2019small, title = {Small flank failure of {Anak} {Krakatau} {Volcano} caused catastrophic {December} 2018 {Indonesian} tsunami}, author = {Williams, Rebecca and Rowley, Pete and Garthwaite, Matthew C.}, year = 2019, publisher = {EarthArXiv}, month = feb, day = {15 Feb.}, doi = {10.31223/osf.io/u965c}, journal = {EarthArXiv} }
@article{muzli20182016, title = {The 2016 M w 6.5 Pidie Jaya, Aceh, North Sumatra, Earthquake: Reactivation of an Unidentified Sinistral Fault in a Region of Distributed Deformation}, author = {Muzli, Muzli and Umar, Muksin and Nugraha, Andri Dian and Bradley, Kyle Edward and Widiyantoro, Sri and Erbas, Kemal and Jousset, Philippe and Rohadi, Supriyanto and Nurdin, Irwandi and Wei, Shengji}, journal = {Seismological Research Letters}, volume = {89}, number = {5}, pages = {1761--1772}, year = {2018}, publisher = {Seismological Society of America} }
@article{10.3389/feart.2018.00079, author = {Passarelli, Luigi and Heryandoko, Nova and Cesca, Simone and Rivalta, Eleonora and Rasmid and Rohadi, Supriyanto and Dahm, Torsten and Milkereit, Claus}, title = {Magmatic or Not Magmatic? The 2015–2016 Seismic Swarm at the Long-Dormant Jailolo Volcano, West Halmahera, Indonesia}, journal = {Frontiers in Earth Science}, volume = {6}, pages = {79}, year = {2018}, url = {https://www.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/feart.2018.00079}, doi = {10.3389/feart.2018.00079}, issn = {2296-6463}, abstract = {Seismic swarms close to volcanoes often signal the onset of unrest. Establishing whether magma is the culprit and the unrest can be flagged as magmatic may be challenging. Here we analyze the spatio-temporal pattern of a seismic swarm that occurred in November 2015 – February 2016 around Jailolo volcano, a long-dormant and poorly studied volcano located on Halmahera island, North Moluccas, Indonesia. The swarm included four Mw>5 earthquakes and hundreds of events were felt by the population. We relocate the earthquakes using both the Indonesian Seismic Network and single-station location techniques. We find that the earthquakes cluster in a narrow strip, stretching 5 km E–W and 20 km N–S, migrating southward away from Jailolo volcano at ~10 km/d. We investigate the source mechanisms of the largest earthquakes via full moment tensor inversion. The non-double- couple component is around 50%, such that the earthquakes, besides normal faulting, included a relatively large opening component. After a thorough examination of the possible causes of the Jailolo swarm we conclude that a laterally propagating dike of tens of millions of cubic meters is the triggering mechanism for the seismicity. The swarm marks the first documented magmatic unrest at Jailolo. We find that there is a probability >0.1 that the unrest will last for more than two years. This magmatic unrest calls for the classification of Jailolo volcano as active, and for an urgent assessment of the associated volcanic hazard.} }
@article{Lestari_2019, doi = {10.1088/1742-6596/1191/1/012013}, year = 2019, month = mar, publisher = {{IOP} Publishing}, volume = {1191}, pages = {012013}, author = {Lestari, P. and Sunaryo and Syuhada}, title = {Moment tensor analysis using regional and temporary deployment 2008 data for {Sumatran} active fault zone earthquakes}, journal = {Journal of Physics: Conference Series}, abstract = {The purpose of this study is to determine the focal mechanisms of the earthquakes through moment tensor inversion of seismograms derived from local events in Sumatran fault zone. We use ISOLA software for data processing which is widely used to estimate the source parameters from local events. We retrieve seismogram data from three selected local events recorded by ZB temporary deployment and BMKG-GEOFON networks. The inversion results reveal that the deformation style around this fault zone is dominated by strike slip motion with shallow focal depths. These results are also consistent with regional active tectonics revealed by other geophysical and geological studies.} }
@article{Gamage2019, author = {Gamage, Prasanna and Venkatesan, Srikanth}, title = {Evaluation of seismic hazard in low to moderate seismic regions, {Sri} {Lanka}---a case study}, journal = {Journal of Seismology}, year = {2019}, month = may, day = {01}, volume = {23}, number = {3}, pages = {579--611}, abstract = {An assessment of seismic hazard based on the probabilistic approach was undertaken for a low seismic island region, Sri Lanka. Potential source zones in both local and regional contexts were identified in a comprehensive manner based on active tectonic structures and past evidence of seismic activities in the region. This source zonation, because of ``dormant to mild seismic nature'' of the region, led to characterize most of the regionally dominant seismic sources simply into large area zones. Recurrence rates of seismicity in each of the identified source zones were obtained for pre- estimated periods of completeness, unless otherwise data of a source zone were clearly incomplete due to lack of earthquake records, in which case recurrence parameters were found based on a subjective evaluation concerning the need of conservative recurrence rates for the area. Computed hazard values in terms of expected ground motions (peak ground acceleration (PGA) and spectral accelerations (SAs) at 0.1, 0.5, and 1.0 s natural periods) at rock sites in Sri Lanka for 10{\%} (475-year return period), 5{\ %} (975-year return period), 2{\%} (2475-year return period), and 0.5{\%} (9975-year return period) probabilities of exceedance in 50 years' time were depicted in separate raster maps. Hazard values showed that the area around the capital Colombo possesses maximum expected PGA (in rock sites) which is about 0.11g for a 475-year return period. Most of the other areas indicated relatively low values.}, issn = {1573-157X}, doi = {10.1007/s10950-019-09824-3}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s10950-019-09824-3} }
@article{kohler2018kohler, title = {K{\"o}hler, A., Weidle, C., Nuth, C.(2018): Seismic Monitoring of Glacier Activity on Svalbard (SEISMOGLAC)-Report,(Scientific Technical Report STR-Data; 17/09)(GIPP Experiment and Data Archive), Potsdam: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences.}, author = {K{\"o}hler, Andreas}, year = {2018} }
@article{kind2018perspectives, title = {Perspectives of the S-Receiver-Function Method to Image Upper Mantle Discontinuities}, author = {Kind, Rainer and Yuan, Xiaohui}, journal = {Lithospheric Discontinuities}, pages = {139--154}, year = {2018}, publisher = {American Geophysical Union (AGU)} }
@article{lemoine2019volcano, title = {The volcano-tectonic crisis of 2018 east of {Mayotte}, {Comoros} islands}, author = {Lemoine, Anne and Bertil, Didier and Roull{\'e}, Agathe and Briole, Pierre}, year = 2019, publisher = {EarthArXiv}, month = feb, day = {28 Feb}, doi = {10.31223/osf.io/d46xj}, journal = {EarthArXiv} }
@article{bondar2018relocation, title = {Relocation of Seismicity in the Pannonian Basin Using a Global 3D Velocity Model}, author = {Bond{\'a}r, Istv{\'a}n and M{\'o}nus, P{\'e}ter and Czanik, Csenge and Kiszely, M{\'a}rta and Gr{\'a}czer, Zolt{\'a}n and W{\'e}ber, Zolt{\'a}n and AlpArrayWorking Group}, journal = {Seismological Research Letters}, volume = {89}, number = {6}, pages = {2284--2293}, year = {2018}, publisher = {Seismological Society of America} }
@article{10.1093/gji/ggz010, author = {Dzieran, L and Thorwart, M and Rabbel, W and Ritter, O}, title = {Quantifying interface responses with seismoelectric spectral ratios}, journal = {Geophysical Journal International}, volume = {217}, number = {1}, pages = {108-121}, year = {2019}, month = jan, abstract = {{We investigate seismoelectric (SE) signals accompanying seismic waves radiated from earthquake sources. SE signals are mostly generated from compressional portions of seismic waves by electrokinetic coupling. They contain coseismic electric fields travelling with seismic wave velocity and interface response (IR) waves, which originate at layer interfaces and travel with electromagnetic wave speed. IR wave amplitudes are sensitive to contrasts in poroelastic and electric rock parameters. We introduce SE spectral ratios (SESRs) as a tool to evaluate the influence of IRs on the overall SE signal independently of the earthquake source–time function. Based on data from Northern Chile we show that SESRs show a site specific frequency dependence with a trend of decreasing amplitudes towards increasing frequency. Modelling results reveal that the specific frequency dependence of the SESRs is caused by IRs excited at depths of some hundred metres underneath the recording stations. We analyse the SESR sensitivity towards porosity, permeability, fluid salinity and the depth of the interfaces. We verify that observed SESRs can be reproduced through forward modelling and linearized inversion based on realistic subsurface parameters.}}, issn = {0956-540X}, issn2 = {1365-246X}, doi = {10.1093/gji/ggz010}, publisher = {Oxford University Press (OUP)}, http = {http://oup.prod.sis.lan/gji/article-pdf/217/1/108/27662174/ggz010.pdf} }
@article{10.1093/gji/ggy294, author = {Frietsch, M. and Ferreira, A. M. G. and Vales, D. and Carrilho, F.}, title = {On the robustness of seismic moment tensor inversions for mid-ocean earthquakes: the {Azores} archipelago}, journal = {Geophysical Journal International}, volume = 215, number = 1, pages = {564-584}, year = 2018, month = oct, abstract = {{Source models of mid-oceanic earthquakes are often based only on far-field, teleseismic data. The uncertainties of all source parameters are rarely quantified, which restricts our understanding of how these events slip and how oceanic lithosphere is formed. Here, we perform moment tensor inversions for five Mw 4.6–5.9 earthquakes that occurred in the Azores archipelago near the Mid-Atlantic Ridge in 2013–2016, taking advantage of the recently expanded seismic network in the region. We assess moment tensor uncertainties due to data and Earth model variability as well as the robustness of teleseismic versus local data inversions. We find that for the events studied: (i) existing 1-D Earth models of the region based on receiver function data lead to a slightly improved data fit of local data compared to a widely used regional model based on active seismic surveys; and (ii) using different 1-D Earth models in the local data inversions leads to a variability in the retrieved source parameters of 15°–30° in fault strike, 5°–20° in dip, and 20°–60° in rake, depending on the earthquake’s magnitude and location. We study in detail the Mw 5.9 2013 April 30 Povoação basin earthquake using 1-D and 3-D waveform modelling, for which reported values of strike, dip, and rake in earthquake catalogues differ by 60°, 35°, and 80°. We find that our moment tensor solutions show a lower variability than in the catalogues and exhibit a persistent non-double-couple component of ∼40–60 per cent, which is not due to a volumetric change. We suggest that it is potentially due to geometrically complex faulting in the Povoação basin, notably curved faults. We find that the retrieved moment tensor solutions depend strongly on the earthquake’s location. If an accurate location is used, joint inversions of local and teleseismic data can help to stabilize moment tensor solutions of oceanic earthquakes and reduce parameter trade-offs, compared to inversions of local data alone.}}, issn = {0956-540X}, doi = {10.1093/gji/ggy294}, url2 = {https://academic.oup.com/gji/article/215/1/564/5057478}, url3 = {http://oup.prod.sis.lan/gji/article-pdf/215/1/564/25427935/ggy294.pdf} }
@article{10.1093/gji/ggy188, author = {AlpArray Working Group and Paul, Anne and Stehly, Laurent and Lu, Yang}, title = {{High-resolution surface wave tomography of the European crust and uppermost mantle from ambient seismic noise}}, journal = {Geophysical Journal International}, volume = {214}, number = 2, pages = {1136-1150}, year = {2018}, month = may, abstract = {{Taking advantage of the large number of seismic stations installed in Europe, in particular in the greater Alpine region with the AlpArray experiment, we derive a new high-resolution 3-D shear wave velocity model of the European crust and uppermost mantle from ambient-noise tomography. The correlation of up to 4 yr of continuous vertical-component seismic recordings from 1293 broad-band stations (10°W--35°E, 30°N--75°N) provides Rayleigh wave group velocity dispersion data in the period band 5--150 s at more than 0.8 million virtual source-receiver pairs. 2-D Rayleigh wave group velocity maps are estimated using adaptive parametrization to accommodate the strong heterogeneity of path coverage. A probabilistic 3-D shear wave velocity model, including probability densities for the depth of layer boundaries and S-wave velocity values, is obtained by nonlinear Bayesian inversion. A weighted average of the probabilistic model is then used as starting model for the linear inversion step, providing the final Vs model. The resulting S-wave velocity model and Moho depth are validated by comparison with previous geophysical studies. Although surface wave tomography is weakly sensitive to layer boundaries, vertical cross-sections through our Vs model and the associated probability of the presence of interfaces display striking similarities with reference controlled-source seismology (CSS) and receiver function sections across the Alpine belt. Our model even provides new structural information such as an ∼8 km Moho jump along the CSS ECORS-CROP profile that was not imaged by the reflection data due to poor penetration across a heterogeneous upper crust. Our probabilistic and final shear wave velocity models have the potential to become new reference models of the European crust, both for crustal structure probing and geophysical studies including waveform modelling or full-waveform inversion.}}, issn = {0956-540X}, doi = {10.1093/gji/ggy188}, http = {http://oup.prod.sis.lan/gji/article-pdf/214/2/1136/25048195/ggy188.pdf} }
@article{Halpaapeaav7369, author = {Halpaap, Felix and Rondenay, St{\'e}phane and Perrin, Alexander and Goes, Saskia and Ottem{\"o}ller, Lars and Austrheim, H{\r a}kon and Shaw, Robert and Eeken, Thomas}, title = {{Earthquakes track subduction fluids from slab source to mantle wedge sink}}, volume = {5}, number = {4}, elocation-id = {eaav7369}, year = {2019}, doi = {10.1126/sciadv.aav7369}, publisher = {American Association for the Advancement of Science}, abstract = {Subducting plates release fluids as they plunge into Earth{\textquoteright}s mantle and occasionally rupture to produce intraslab earthquakes. It is debated whether fluids and earthquakes are directly related. By combining seismic observations and geodynamic models from western Greece, and comparing across other subduction zones, we find that earthquakes effectively track the flow of fluids from their slab source at \>80 km depth to their sink at shallow (\<40 km) depth. Between source and sink, the fluids flow updip under a sealed plate interface, facilitating intraslab earthquakes. In some locations, the seal breaks and fluids escape through vents into the mantle wedge, thereby reducing the fluid supply and seismicity updip in the slab. The vents themselves may represent nucleation sites for larger damaging earthquakes.}, url = {https://advances.sciencemag.org/content/5/4/eaav7369}, http = {https://advances.sciencemag.org/content/5/4/eaav7369.full.pdf}, journal = {Science Advances} }
@article{10.1093/gji/ggz081, author = {Bokelmann, Götz and Kolínský, Petr and the AlpArray Working Group}, title = {{Arrival angles of teleseismic fundamental mode Rayleigh waves across the AlpArray}}, journal = {Geophysical Journal International}, volume = {218}, number = {1}, pages = {115-144}, year = {2019}, month = jul, abstract = {{The dense AlpArray network allows studying seismic wave propagation with high spatial resolution. Here we introduce an array approach to measure arrival angles of teleseismic Rayleigh waves. The approach combines the advantages of phase correlation as in the two-station method with array beamforming to obtain the phase-velocity vector. 20 earthquakes from the first two years of the AlpArray project are selected, and spatial patterns of arrival-angle deviations across the AlpArray are shown in maps, depending on period and earthquake location. The cause of these intriguing spatial patterns is discussed. A simple wave-propagation modelling example using an isolated anomaly and a Gaussian beam solution suggests that much of the complexity can be explained as a result of wave interference after passing a structural anomaly along the wave paths. This indicates that arrival-angle information constitutes useful additional information on the Earth structure, beyond what is currently used in inversions.}}, issn = {0956-540X}, doi = {10.1093/gji/ggz081}, url2 = {https://academic.oup.com/gji/article/218/1/115/5315763}, http = {http://oup.prod.sis.lan/gji/article-pdf/218/1/114/28461766/ggz081.pdf} }
@article{10.1093/gji/ggy532, author = {Hensch, Martin and Dahm, Torsten and Ritter, Joachim and Heimann, Sebastian and Schmidt, Bernd and Stange, Stefan and Lehmann, Klaus}, title = {Deep low-frequency earthquakes reveal ongoing magmatic recharge beneath Laacher See Volcano (Eifel, Germany)}, journal = {Geophysical Journal International}, volume = {216}, number = {3}, pages = {2025-2036}, year = 2019, month = jan, abstract = {{The occurrence of deep low-frequency (DLF) microearthquakes beneath volcanoes is commonly attributed to mass transport in the volcanic plumbing system and used to infer feeding channels from and into magma reservoirs. The key question is how magmas migrate from depth to the shallow crust and whether magma reservoirs are currently being recharged. For the first time since the improvement of the local seismic networks in the East Eifel region (Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany), we detect and locate recurrent DLF earthquakes in the lower crust and upper mantle beneath the Laacher See Volcano (LSV), using a joint data set of permanent sensors and a temporary deployment. So far, eight DLF earthquake sequences were observed in four distinct clusters between 10 and 40 km depth. These clusters of weak events (ML\\< 2) align along an approximately 80° southeast dipping line south of the LSV. Moment tensor solutions of these events have large shear components, and the irregular dispersion and long coda of body waves indicate interaction processes between shear cracks and fluids. We find a rotation of P-axes orientation for shallow tectonic earthquakes compared to DLF events, indicating that the stress field in the depth interval of DLF events might favour a vertical migration of magma or magmatic fluids. The caldera of the LSV was formed by the last major eruption of the East Eifel Volcanic Field only 12.9 kyr ago, fed by a shallow magma chamber at 5–8 km depth and erupting a total magma volume of 6.7 km3. The observed DLF earthquake activity and continuous volcanic gas emissions around the LSV indicate an active magmatic system, possibly connected with an upper mantle melt zone.}}, issn = {0956-540X}, doi = {10.1093/gji/ggy532}, eprint = {https://academic.oup.com/gji/article-pdf/216/3/2025/27503413/ggy532.pdf} }
@article{ISI:000528012200004, author = {Yang, Jiuyuan and Xu, Caijun and Wang, Shuai and Wang, Xiaohang}, title = {{Sentinel-1 observation of 2019 M-w 5.7 Acipayam earthquake: A blind normal-faulting event in the Acipayam basin, southwestern Turkey}}, journal = {{JOURNAL OF GEODYNAMICS}}, year = 2020, volume = {{135}}, month = apr, doi = {{10.1016/j.jog.2020.101707}}, article-number = {{101707}}, issn = {{0264-3707}}, times-cited = {{0}}, unique-id = {{ISI:000528012200004}} }
@article{ISI:000525947800014, author = {Kassaras, I and Kapetanidis, V and Karakonstantis, A. and Papadimitriou, P.}, title = {{Deep structure of the Hellenic lithosphere from teleseismic Rayleigh-wave tomography}}, journal = {{GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL}}, year = 2020, volume = {{221}}, number = {{1}}, pages = {{205-230}}, month = apr, doi = {{10.1093/gji/ggz579}}, issn = {{0956-540X}}, eissn = {{1365-246X}}, orcid-numbers = {{Kassaras, Ioannis/0000-0003-1185-9067}}, times-cited = {{0}}, unique-id = {{ISI:000525947800014}} }
@article{ISI:000523302400033, author = {Hamling, I. J. and Kilgour, G.}, title = {{Goldilocks conditions required for earthquakes to trigger basaltic eruptions: Evidence from the 2015 Ambrym eruption}}, journal = {{SCIENCE ADVANCES}}, year = 2020, volume = {{6}}, number = {{14}}, month = apr, doi = {{10.1126/sciadv.aaz5261}}, article-number = {{eaaz5261}}, issn = {{2375-2548}}, orcid-numbers = {{Hamling, Ian/0000-0003-4324-274X}}, times-cited = {{0}}, unique-id = {{ISI:000523302400033}} }
@article{ISI:000522398700027, author = {Seredkina, I, Alena and Melnikova, I, Valentina and Radziminovich, Yan B. and Gileva, Nadezhda A.}, title = {{Seismicity of the Erguna Region (Northeastern China): Evidence for Local Stress Redistribution}}, journal = {{BULLETIN OF THE SEISMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA}}, year = 2020, volume = {{110}}, number = {{2}}, pages = {{803-815}}, month = apr, doi = {{10.1785/0120190182}}, issn = {{0037-1106}}, eissn = {{1943-3573}}, times-cited = {{0}}, unique-id = {{ISI:000522398700027}} }
@article{ISI:000522398700036, author = {Jerkins, Annie E. and Shiddiqi, Hasbi Ash and Kvaerna, Tormod and Gibbons, Steven J. and Schweitzer, Johannes and Ottemoller, Lars and Bungum, Hilmar}, title = {{The 30 June 2017 North Sea Earthquake: Location, Characteristics, and Context}}, journal = {{BULLETIN OF THE SEISMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA}}, year = 2020, volume = {{110}}, number = {{2}}, pages = {{937-952}}, month = apr, doi = {{10.1785/0120190181}}, issn = {{0037-1106}}, eissn = {{1943-3573}}, times-cited = {{0}}, unique-id = {{ISI:000522398700036}} }
@article{ISI:000526054700001, author = {Gamage, P. and Venkatesan, S.}, title = {{Seismicity and seismotectonics in and around Sri Lanka: a synoptic review}}, journal = {{BULLETIN OF ENGINEERING GEOLOGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT}}, year = 2020, volume = {{79}}, number = {{2}}, pages = {{571-586}}, month = mar, doi = {{10.1007/s10064-019-01576-1}}, issn = {{1435-9529}}, eissn = {{1435-9537}}, times-cited = {{0}}, unique-id = {{ISI:000526054700001}} }
@article{ISI:000525944600015, author = {Adimah, I, N. and Padhy, S.}, title = {{Ambient noise Rayleigh wave tomography across the Madagascar island}}, journal = {{GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL}}, year = 2020, volume = {{220}}, number = {{3}}, pages = {1657--1676}, month = mar, doi = {{10.1093/gji/ggz542}}, issn = {{0956-540X}}, eissn = {{1365-246X}}, times-cited = {{0}}, unique-id = {{ISI:000525944600015}} }
@article{ISI:000513602800001, author = {Catalan, Patricio A. and Gubler, Alejandra and Canas, Javier and Zuniga, Carlos and Zelaya, Cecilia and Pizarro, Leonardo and Valdes, Carlos and Mena, Rene and Toledo, Eduardo and Cienfuegos, Rodrigo}, title = {{Design and operational implementation of the integrated tsunami forecast and warning system in Chile (SIPAT)}}, journal = {{COASTAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL}}, doi = {{10.1080/21664250.2020.1727402}}, year = 2020, month = feb, day = {{Feb 12}}, issn = {{2166-4250}}, eissn = {{1793-6292}}, researcherid-numbers = {{Catalan, Patricio A/B-9790-2009 Cienfuegos, Rodrigo/B-9162-2012}}, orcid-numbers = {{Catalan, Patricio A/0000-0002-6567-5776 Cienfuegos, Rodrigo/0000-0001-5768-2477}}, times-cited = {{0}}, unique-id = {{ISI:000513602800001}} }
@article{ISI:000511540200004, author = {Lyubushin, Alexey}, title = {{Trends of Global Seismic Noise Properties in Connection to Irregularity of Earth's Rotation}}, journal = {{PURE AND APPLIED GEOPHYSICS}}, year = 2020, volume = {{177}}, number = {{2}}, pages = {{621-636}}, month = feb, doi = {{10.1007/s00024-019-02331-z}}, issn = {{0033-4553}}, eissn = {{1420-9136}}, orcid-numbers = {{Lyubushin, Alexey/0000-0001-9270-415X}}, times-cited = {{0}}, unique-id = {{ISI:000511540200004}} }
@article{ISI:000507315700002, author = {Sharon, Matty and Sagy, Amir and Kurzon, Ittai and Marco, Shmuel and Rosensaft, Marcelo}, title = {{Assessment of seismic sources and capable faults through hierarchic tectonic criteria: implications for seismic hazard in the Levant}}, journal = {{NATURAL HAZARDS AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES}}, year = 2020, volume = {{20}}, number = {{1}}, pages = {{125-148}}, month = jan, day = {{JAN 14}}, doi = {{10.5194/nhess-20-125-2020}}, issn = {{1561-8633}}, eissn = {{1684-9981}}, times-cited = {{0}}, unique-id = {{ISI:000507315700002}} }
@article{ISI:000519397700009, author = {Fomochkina, A. S. and Bukchin, B. G.}, title = {{The Dependence of the Earthquake Parameter Determination Uncertainties on the Set of Surface Wave Records}}, journal = {{IZVESTIYA-PHYSICS OF THE SOLID EARTH}}, year = 2020, volume = {{56}}, number = {{1}}, pages = {{95-102}}, month = jan, doi = {{10.1134/S1069351320010012}}, issn = {{1069-3513}}, eissn = {{1555-6506}}, times-cited = {{0}}, unique-id = {{ISI:000519397700009}} }
@article{ISI:000511618700019, author = {Cesca, Simone and Letort, Jean and Razafindrakoto, Hoby N. T. and Heimann, Sebastian and Rivalta, Eleonora and Isken, Marius P. and Nikkhoo, Mehdi and Passarelli, Luigi and Petersen, Gesa M. and Cotton, Fabrice and Dahm, Torsten}, title = {{Drainage of a deep magma reservoir near Mayotte inferred from seismicity and deformation}}, journal = {{NATURE GEOSCIENCE}}, year = 2020, volume = {{13}}, number = {{1}}, pages = {{87+}}, month = jan, doi = {{10.1038/s41561-019-0505-5}}, issn = {{1752-0894}}, eissn = {{1752-0908}}, researcherid-numbers = {{Cesca, Simone/K-4081-2017 }}, orcid-numbers = {{Dahm, Torsten/0000-0001-6432-7422 Cesca, Simone/0000-0001-9419-3904 Passarelli, Luigi/0000-0001-8995-8765 Heimann, Sebastian/0000-0003-0096-7193 Cotton, Fabrice/0000-0002-9242-3996 Rivalta, Eleonora/0000-0001-8245-0504}}, times-cited = {{0}}, unique-id = {{ISI:000511618700019}} }
@article{ISI:000507562700015, author = {Ye, Lingling and Kanamori, Hiroo and Rivera, Luis and Lay, Thorne and Zhou, Yu and Sianipar, Dimas and Satake, Kenji}, title = {{The 22 December 2018 tsunami from flank collapse of Anak Krakatau volcano during eruption}}, journal = {{SCIENCE ADVANCES}}, year = 2020, volume = {{6}}, number = {{3}}, month = jan, doi = {{10.1126/sciadv.aaz1377}}, article-number = {{eaaz1377}}, issn = {{2375-2548}}, researcherid-numbers = {{Satake, Kenji/E-2312-2011 }}, orcid-numbers = {{Satake, Kenji/0000-0002-3368-3085 Zhou, Yu/0000-0002-9782-9311}}, times-cited = {{1}}, unique-id = {{ISI:000507562700015}} }
@article{ISI:000506839900008, author = {Muenchmeyer, Jannes and Bindi, Dino and Sippl, Christian and Leser, Ulf and Tilmann, Frederik}, title = {{Low uncertainty multifeature magnitude estimation with 3-D corrections and boosting tree regression: application to North Chile}}, journal = {{GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL}}, year = 2020, volume = {{220}}, number = {{1}}, pages = {{142-159}}, month = jan, doi = {{10.1093/gji/ggz416}}, issn = {{0956-540X}}, eissn = {{1365-246X}}, researcherid-numbers = {{Tilmann, Frederik J/E-4293-2012 }}, orcid-numbers = {{Tilmann, Frederik J/0000-0002-7439-8782 bindi, dino/0000-0002-8619-2220 Munchmeyer, Jannes/0000-0002-4006-9673}}, times-cited = {{0}}, unique-id = {{ISI:000506839900008}} }
@article{ISI:000502893500009, author = {Mukherjee, Pousali and Borah, Kajaljyoti and Bora, Dipok K.}, title = {{Nature of crust beneath Sri Lanka using teleseismic receiver function}}, journal = {{JOURNAL OF ASIAN EARTH SCIENCES}}, year = 2020, volume = {{187}}, month = jan, doi = {{10.1016/j.jseaes.2019.104096}}, article-number = {{104096}}, issn = {{1367-9120}}, eissn = {{1878-5786}}, times-cited = {{0}}, unique-id = {{ISI:000502893500009}} }
@article{ISI:000514632700001, author = {Anggono, T. and Syuhada, S. and Febriani, F. and Handayani, L. and Mukti, M. M. and Amran, A.}, title = {{Crustal shear-wave velocity structure in Western Java, Indonesia from analysis of teleseismic receiver functions}}, journal = {{JOURNAL OF EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCE}}, year = 2019, volume = 129, number = 1, day = {{DEC 19}}, month = dec, doi = {{10.1007/s12040-019-1288-1}}, article-number = {{6}}, issn = {{2347-4327}}, eissn = {{0973-774X}}, times-cited = {{0}}, unique-id = {{ISI:000514632700001}} }
@article{ISI:000506471600011, author = {Plank, Simon and Walter, Thomas R. and Martinis, Sandro and Cesca, Simone}, title = {{Growth and collapse of a littoral lava dome during the 2018/19 eruption of Kadovar Volcano, Papua New Guinea, analyzed by multi-sensor satellite imagery}}, journal = {{JOURNAL OF VOLCANOLOGY AND GEOTHERMAL RESEARCH}}, year = 2019, volume = {{388}}, month = dec, day = {{DEC 15}}, doi = {{10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2019.106704}}, article-number = {{106704}}, issn = {{0377-0273}}, eissn = {{1872-6097}}, researcherid-numbers = {{Cesca, Simone/K-4081-2017}}, orcid-numbers = {{Cesca, Simone/0000-0001-9419-3904 Plank, Simon/0000-0002-5793-052X}}, times-cited = {{0}}, unique-id = {{ISI:000506471600011}} }
@article{ISI:000500672800001, author = {Soto, H. and Sippl, C. and Schurr, B. and Kummerow, J. and Asch, G. and Tilmann, F. and Comte, D. and Ruiz, S. and Oncken, O.}, title = {{Probing the Northern Chile Megathrust With Seismicity: The 2014 M8.1 Iquique Earthquake Sequence}}, journal = {{JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SOLID EARTH}}, year = 2019, volume = 124, number = 12, pages = {{12935-12954}}, month = dec, doi = {{10.1029/2019JB017794}}, early-date = {{DEC 2019}}, issn = {{2169-9313}}, eissn = {{2169-9356}}, researcherid-numbers = {{Ruiz, Sergio/D-6688-2013 Tilmann, Frederik J/E-4293-2012 }}, orcid-numbers = {{Ruiz, Sergio/0000-0003-1758-0788 Tilmann, Frederik J/0000-0002-7439-8782 Sippl, Christian/0000-0003-4130-6340 Soto, Hugo/0000-0001-9734-7120 Schurr, Bernd/0000-0002-3746-9166 Comte, Diana/0000-0003-2073-0492}}, times-cited = {{0}}, unique-id = {{ISI:000500672800001}} }
@article{ISI:000498999500002, author = {Baag, So-Young and Rhie, Junkee and Yoo, Seung-Hoon and Kim, Seongryong and Kim, SatByul and Kang, Tae-Seob}, title = {{Determination of Megathrust Rupture Processes Using Plate-Interface-Based Fault Models and 3D Green's Functions: An Application to the 2011 Mw 9.1 Tohoku Earthquake}}, journal = {{PURE AND APPLIED GEOPHYSICS}}, year = 2019, volume = {{176}}, number = {{12}}, pages = {{5235-5252}}, month = dec, doi = {{10.1007/s00024-019-02272-7}}, issn = {{0033-4553}}, eissn = {{1420-9136}}, researcherid-numbers = {{Kim, Seongryong/P-5346-2019 Kang, Tae-Seob/J-1946-2014 Rhie, Junkee/A-8901-2008}}, orcid-numbers = {{Kim, Seongryong/0000-0003-2990-0718 Kang, Tae-Seob/0000-0002-0894-1468 Rhie, Junkee/0000-0002-7836-3317}}, times-cited = {{0}}, unique-id = {{ISI:000498999500002}} }
@article{ISI:000499496200001, author = {Kwong, Kevin B. and DeShon, Heather R. and Saul, Joachim and Thurber, Clifford H.}, title = {{Constraining the Oceanic Lithosphere Seismogenic Zone Using Teleseismic Relocations of the 2012 Wharton Basin Great Earthquake Sequence}}, journal = {{JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SOLID EARTH}}, year = 2019, volume = 124, number = 11, pages = {{11938-11950}}, month = nov, doi = {{10.1029/2019JB017549}}, early-date = {{NOV 2019}}, issn = {{2169-9313}}, eissn = {{2169-9356}}, orcid-numbers = {{DeShon, Heather/0000-0001-5030-377X Thurber, Clifford/0000-0002-4940-4618}}, times-cited = {{0}}, unique-id = {{ISI:000499496200001}} }
@article{ISI:000488335600029, author = {Sippl, Christian and Schurr, Bernd and John, Timm and Hainzl, Sebastian}, title = {{Filling the gap in a double seismic zone: Intraslab seismicity in Northern Chile}}, journal = {{LITHOS}}, year = 2019, volume = {{346}}, month = nov, day = {{NOV 15}}, doi = {{10.1016/j.lithos.2019.105155}}, article-number = {{UNSP 105155}}, issn = {{0024-4937}}, eissn = {{1872-6143}}, researcherid-numbers = {{Sippl, Christian/AAC-6590-2019 }}, orcid-numbers = {{John, Timm/0000-0003-0686-5585 Sippl, Christian/0000-0003-4130-6340}}, times-cited = {{1}}, unique-id = {{ISI:000488335600029}} }
@article{ISI:000494931200001, author = {Tian, Chuanzhao and Li, Guoqing}, title = {{Data integration for earthquake disaster using real-world data}}, journal = {{ACTA GEOPHYSICA}}, year = 2020, volume = {{68}}, number = {{1}}, pages = {{19-28}}, month = feb, doi = {{10.1007/s11600-019-00381-4}}, early-day = {{NOV 2019}}, issn = {{1895-6572}}, eissn = {{1895-7455}}, times-cited = {{0}}, unique-id = {{ISI:000494931200001}} }
@article{ISI:000492655000001, author = {Andinisari, R. and Konstantinou, K. I. and Ranjan, P.}, title = {{Seismotectonics of SE Aegean inferred from precise relative locations of shallow crustal earthquakes}}, journal = {{JOURNAL OF SEISMOLOGY}}, year = 2020, volume = {{24}}, number = {{1}}, pages = {{1-22}}, month = feb, doi = {{10.1007/s10950-019-09881-8}}, early-date = {{OCT 2019}}, issn = {{1383-4649}}, eissn = {{1573-157X}}, orcid-numbers = {{Andinisari, Ratri/0000-0003-4330-9561}}, times-cited = {{0}}, unique-id = {{ISI:000492655000001}} }
@article{ISI:000491855000001, author = {Ranjan, P. and Konstantinou, I, K. and Andinisari, R.}, title = {{Spatial Distribution of Random Velocity Inhomogeneities in the Southern Aegean From Inversion of S Wave Peak Delay Times}}, journal = {{JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SOLID EARTH}}, year = 2019, volume = 124, number = 10, pages = {{10393-10412}}, month = oct, doi = {{10.1029/2018JB017198}}, early-date = {{OCT 2019}}, issn = {{2169-9313}}, eissn = {{2169-9356}}, orcid-numbers = {{Andinisari, Ratri/0000-0003-4330-9561 Konstantinou, Konstantinos/0000-0003-3768-7101 Ranjan, Pratul/0000-0002-2482-3808}}, times-cited = {{0}}, unique-id = {{ISI:000491855000001}} }
@article{ISI:000489932200001, author = {Civgin, Begum and Scordilis, Emmanuel M.}, title = {{Investigating the consistency of online earthquake catalogs of Turkey and surroundings}}, journal = {{JOURNAL OF SEISMOLOGY}}, year = 2019, volume = {{23}}, number = {{6}}, pages = {{1255-1278}}, month = nov, doi = {{10.1007/s10950-019-09863-w}}, early-date = {{OCT 2019}}, issn = {{1383-4649}}, eissn = {{1573-157X}}, researcherid-numbers = {{CIVGIN, BEGUM/AAF-7581-2020}}, times-cited = {{0}}, unique-id = {{ISI:000489932200001}} }
@article{ISI:000495461700002, author = {Yolsal-Cevikbilen, Seda and Taymaz, Tuncay}, title = {{Source Characteristics of the 28 September 2018 M-w 7.5 Palu-Sulawesi, Indonesia (SE Asia) Earthquake Based on Inversion of Teleseismic Bodywaves}}, journal = {{PURE AND APPLIED GEOPHYSICS}}, year = 2019, volume = {{176}}, number = {{10}}, pages = {{4111-4126}}, month = oct, doi = {{10.1007/s00024-019-02294-1}}, issn = {{0033-4553}}, eissn = {{1420-9136}}, times-cited = {{0}}, unique-id = {{ISI:000495461700002}} }
@article{Anggono2019, author = {Anggono, T. and Syuhada and Febriani, F and Amran, A}, title = {{Inversion of shallow subsurface structure from Rayleigh ellipticity beneath a station in Tangerang, Indonesia}}, journal = {9TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PHYSICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS (ICOPIA)}, year = 2019, volume = 1153, pages = 012013, month = aug, note = {Journal of Physics Conference Series}, day = {Aug 14}, doi = {10.1088/1742-6596/1153/1/012013} }
@article{ISI:000484124800026, author = {Gaete, Ayleen and Cesca, Simone and Franco, Luis and San Martin, Juan and Cartes, Cristian and Walter, Thomas R.}, title = {{Seismic activity during the 2013-2015 intereruptive phase at Lascar volcano, Chile}}, journal = {{GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL}}, year = 2019, volume = 219, number = 1, pages = {{449-463}}, month = oct, doi = {{10.1093/gji/ggz297}}, issn = {{0956-540X}}, eissn = {{1365-246X}}, times-cited = {{1}}, unique-id = {{ISI:000484124800026}} }
@article{ISI:000484988100024, author = {Cannata, Andrea and Cannavo, Flavio and Moschella, Salvatore and Gresta, Stefano and Spina, Laura}, title = {{Exploring the link between microseism and sea ice in Antarctica by using machine learning}}, journal = {{SCIENTIFIC REPORTS}}, year = 2019, volume = {{9}}, month = sep, day = {{SEP 10}}, doi = {{10.1038/s41598-019-49586-z}}, article-number = {{13050}}, issn = {{2045-2322}}, researcherid-numbers = {{Cannata, Andrea/N-8589-2014}}, orcid-numbers = {{Spina, Laura/0000-0002-0467-2061 Cannata, Andrea/0000-0002-0028-5822}}, times-cited = {{1}}, unique-id = {{ISI:000484988100024}} }
@article{ISI:000488141100004, author = {Cui, Qinghui and Zhou, Yuanze and Li, Wenlan and Wei, Rongqiang and Li, Guohui}, title = {{Seismic evidence for the 410 km discontinuity beneath the Hindu Kush-Pamir region from the SdP converted phases}}, journal = {{TECTONOPHYSICS}}, year = 2019, volume = {{766}}, pages = {{31-39}}, month = sep, day = {{SEP 5}}, doi = {{10.1016/j.tecto.2019.06.001}}, issn = {{0040-1951}}, eissn = {{1879-3266}}, researcherid-numbers = {{ZHOU, Yuan-Ze/L-8642-2013}}, orcid-numbers = {{ZHOU, Yuan-Ze/0000-0003-4932-5722}}, times-cited = {{0}}, unique-id = {{ISI:000488141100004}} }
@article{ISI:000488141100016, author = {Ranjbar-Karami, Rasoul and Rajabi, Mojtaba and Ghavidel, Ali and Afroogh, Abdolvahab}, title = {{Contemporary tectonic stress pattern of the Persian Gulf Basin, Iran}}, journal = {{TECTONOPHYSICS}}, year = 2019, volume = {{766}}, pages = {{219-231}}, month = sep, day = {{SEP 5}}, doi = {{10.1016/j.tecto.2019.06.017}}, issn = {{0040-1951}}, eissn = {{1879-3266}}, researcherid-numbers = {{Rajabi, Mojtaba/L-4789-2016}}, orcid-numbers = {{Ranjbar-Karami, Rasoul/0000-0001-6714-4875 Rajabi, Mojtaba/0000-0002-0114-3199}}, times-cited = {{0}}, unique-id = {{ISI:000488141100016}} }
@article{ISI:000484569600022, author = {Shiddiqi, Hasbi Ash and Tun, Pa Pa and Ottemoller, Lars}, title = {{Minimum 1D Velocity Model and Local Magnitude Scale for Myanmar}}, journal = {{SEISMOLOGICAL RESEARCH LETTERS}}, year = 2019, volume = {{90}}, number = {{5}}, pages = {{1923-1936}}, day = {{SEP-OCT}}, doi = {{10.1785/0220190065}}, issn = {{0895-0695}}, eissn = {{1938-2057}}, orcid-numbers = {{Shiddiqi, Hasbi Ash/0000-0002-8927-0167}}, times-cited = {{0}}, unique-id = {{ISI:000484569600022}} }
@article{ISI:000484569600030, author = {Zaccarelli, Riccardo and Bindi, Dino and Strollo, Angelo and Quinteros, Javier and Cotton, Fabrice}, title = {{Stream2segment: An Open-Source Tool for Downloading, Processing, and Visualizing Massive Event-Based Seismic Waveform Datasets}}, journal = {{SEISMOLOGICAL RESEARCH LETTERS}}, year = 2019, volume = {{90}}, number = {{5}}, pages = {{2028-2038}}, day = {{SEP-OCT}}, doi = {{10.1785/0220180314}}, issn = {{0895-0695}}, eissn = {{1938-2057}}, researcherid-numbers = {{Cotton, Fabrice/AAA-8564-2020 bindi, dino/AAA-1783-2020 }}, orcid-numbers = {{bindi, dino/0000-0002-8619-2220 Cotton, Fabrice/0000-0002-9242-3996 Strollo, Angelo/0000-0001-9602-6077}}, times-cited = {{1}}, unique-id = {{ISI:000484569600030}} }
@article{ISI:000474502200023, author = {Song, Wenkai and Yu, Youqiang and Shen, Cong and Lu, Fan and Kong, Fansheng}, title = {{Asthenospheric flow beneath the Carpathian-Pannonian region: Constraints from shear wave splitting analysis}}, journal = {{EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS}}, year = 2019, volume = {{520}}, pages = {{231-240}}, month = aug, day = {{AUG 15}}, doi = {{10.1016/j.epsl.2019.05.045}}, issn = {{0012-821X}}, eissn = {{1385-013X}}, researcherid-numbers = {{Yu, Youqiang/D-5582-2015 }}, orcid-numbers = {{Yu, Youqiang/0000-0003-2115-5055 Song, Wenkai/0000-0002-8322-0417}}, times-cited = {{2}}, unique-id = {{ISI:000474502200023}} }
@article{ISI:000497850300009, author = {Scharf, A. and Mattern, F. and Moraetis, D. and Callegari, I. and Weidle, C.}, title = {{Postobductional Kinematic Evolution and Geomorphology of a Major Regional Structure-The Semail Gap Fault Zone (Oman Mountains)}}, journal = {{TECTONICS}}, year = 2019, volume = 38, number = 8, pages = {{2756-2778}}, month = aug, doi = {{10.1029/2019TC005588}}, issn = {{0278-7407}}, eissn = {{1944-9194}}, researcherid-numbers = {{Callegari, Ivan/AAF-4244-2020 }}, orcid-numbers = {{Weidle, Christian/0000-0002-3864-2979 Moraetis, Daniel/0000-0002-2245-9256}}, times-cited = {{2}}, unique-id = {{ISI:000497850300009}} }
@article{ISI:000491283500052, author = {Reiss, M. C. and Long, M. D. and Creasy, N.}, title = {{Lowermost Mantle Anisotropy Beneath Africa From Differential SKS-SKKS Shear-Wave Splitting}}, journal = {{JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SOLID EARTH}}, year = 2019, volume = 124, number = 8, pages = {{8540-8564}}, month = aug, doi = {{10.1029/2018JB017160}}, issn = {{2169-9313}}, eissn = {{2169-9356}}, researcherid-numbers = {{Long, Maureen/A-1383-2009 }}, orcid-numbers = {{Long, Maureen/0000-0003-1936-3840 Reiss, Miriam/0000-0002-0250-4988}}, times-cited = {{1}}, unique-id = {{ISI:000491283500052}} }
@article{ISI:000481435000005, author = {Jamelot, A. and Gailler, A. and Heinrich, Ph and Vallage, A. and Champenois, J.}, title = {{Tsunami Simulations of the Sulawesi M-w 7.5 Event: Comparison of Seismic Sources Issued from a Tsunami Warning Context Versus Post-Event Finite Source}}, journal = {{PURE AND APPLIED GEOPHYSICS}}, year = 2019, volume = 176, number = 8, pages = {{3351-3376}}, month = aug, doi = {{10.1007/s00024-019-02274-5}}, issn = {{0033-4553}}, eissn = {{1420-9136}}, orcid-numbers = {{Vallage, Amaury/0000-0002-0380-2848}}, times-cited = {{4}}, unique-id = {{ISI:000481435000005}} }
@article{ISI:000474771100009, author = {Ryberg, T. and Haberland, Ch.}, title = {{Bayesian simultaneous inversion for local earthquake hypocentres and 1-D velocity structure using minimum prior knowledge}}, journal = {{GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL}}, year = 2019, volume = {{218}}, number = {{2}}, pages = {{840-854}}, month = aug, doi = {{10.1093/gji/ggz177}}, issn = {{0956-540X}}, eissn = {{1365-246X}}, researcherid-numbers = {{Ryberg, Trond/H-4329-2013}}, orcid-numbers = {{Haberland, Christian/0000-0002-2981-7087 Ryberg, Trond/0000-0001-7129-5596}}, times-cited = {{0}}, unique-id = {{ISI:000474771100009}} }
@article{ISI:000470940400001, author = {Mechie, J. and Schurr, B. and Yuan, X. and Schneider, F. and Sippl, C. and Minaev, V and Gadoev, M. and Oimahmadov, I and Abdybachaev, U. and Moldobekov, B. and Orunbaev, S.}, title = {{Observations of guided waves from the Pamir seismic zone provide additional evidence for the existence of subducted continental lower crust}}, journal = {{TECTONOPHYSICS}}, year = 2019, volume = {{762}}, pages = {{1-16}}, month = jul, day = {{JUL 5}}, doi = {{10.1016/j.tecto.2019.04.007}}, issn = {{0040-1951}}, eissn = {{1879-3266}}, researcherid-numbers = {{Yuan, Xiaohui/G-5149-2010 Sippl, Christian/AAC-6590-2019 }}, orcid-numbers = {{Yuan, Xiaohui/0000-0002-2891-1354 Sippl, Christian/0000-0003-4130-6340 Schneider, Felix M./0000-0001-9710-740X}}, times-cited = {{3}}, unique-id = {{ISI:000470940400001}} }
@article{ISI:000481819500029, author = {Yao, Jiayuan and Tian, Dongdong and Sun, Li and Wen, Lianxing}, title = {{Temporal Change of Seismic Earth's Inner Core Phases: Inner Core Differential Rotation or Temporal Change of Inner Core Surface?}}, journal = {{JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SOLID EARTH}}, year = 2019, volume = {{124}}, number = {{7}}, pages = {{6720-6736}}, month = jul, doi = {{10.1029/2019JB017532}}, issn = {{2169-9313}}, eissn = {{2169-9356}}, researcherid-numbers = {{Tian, Dongdong/AAB-3470-2020 Yao, Jiayuan/Q-7602-2018 }}, orcid-numbers = {{Tian, Dongdong/0000-0001-7967-1197 Yao, Jiayuan/0000-0001-7036-4238 Sun, Li/0000-0002-5558-6809}}, times-cited = {{1}}, unique-id = {{ISI:000481819500029}} }
@article{ISI:000473734200022, author = {Ventosa, Sergi and Schimmel, Martin and Stutzmann, Eleonore}, title = {{Towards the Processing of Large Data Volumes with Phase Cross-Correlation}}, journal = {{SEISMOLOGICAL RESEARCH LETTERS}}, year = 2019, volume = {{90}}, number = {{4}}, pages = {{1663-1669}}, day = {{JUL-AUG}}, doi = {{10.1785/0220190022}}, issn = {{0895-0695}}, eissn = {{1938-2057}}, researcherid-numbers = {{Ventosa, Sergi/Z-2681-2019 Stutzmann, Eleonore/G-8511-2014}}, orcid-numbers = {{Ventosa, Sergi/0000-0002-2880-8453 Stutzmann, Eleonore/0000-0002-4348-7475}}, times-cited = {{0}}, unique-id = {{ISI:000473734200022}} }
@article{ISI:000473734200027, author = {Savvaidis, Alexandros and Young, Bissett and Huang, Guo-chin Dino and Lomax, Anthony}, title = {{TexNet: A Statewide Seismological Network in Texas}}, journal = {{SEISMOLOGICAL RESEARCH LETTERS}}, year = 2019, volume = {{90}}, number = {{4}}, pages = {{1702-1715}}, day = {{JUL-AUG}}, doi = {{10.1785/0220180350}}, issn = {{0895-0695}}, eissn = {{1938-2057}}, times-cited = {{5}}, unique-id = {{ISI:000473734200027}} }
@article{ISI:000470320500008, author = {Kolinsky, Petr and Bokelmann, Goetz and Hetenyi, Gyorgy and Abreu, Rafael and Allegretti, Ivo and Apoloner, Maria-Theresia and Aubert, Coralie and Besancon, Simon and Bes De Berc, Maxime and Bokel-Mann, Gotz and Brunel, Didier and Capello, Marco and Carman, Martina and Cavaliere, Adriano and Cheze, Jerome and Chiarabba, Claudio and Clinton, John and Cougoulat, Glenn and Crawford, Wayne C. and Cristiano, Luigia and Czifra, Tibor and D'Alema, Ezio and Danesi, Stefania and Daniel, Romuald and Dannowski, Anke and Dasovic, Iva and Deschamps, Anne and Dessa, Jean-Xavier and Doubre, Cecile and Egdorf, Sven and Fiket, Tomislav and Fischer, Kasper and Friederich, Wolfgang and Fuchs, Florian and Funke, Sigward and Giardini, Domenico and Govoni, Aladino and Graczer, Zoltan and Groschl, Gidera and Heimers, Stefan and Heit, Ben and Herak, Davorka and Herak, Marijan and Huber, Johann and Jaric, Dejan and Jedlicka, Petr and Jia, Yan and Jund, Helene and Kissling, Edi and Klingen, Stefan and Klotz, Bernhard and Kolinsky, Petr and Kopp, Heidrun and Korn, Michael and Kotek, Josef and Kuhne, Lothar and Kuk, Kreso and Lange, Dietrich and Loos, Jurgen and Lovati, Sara and Malengros, Deny and Margheriti, Lucia and Maron, Christophe and Martin, Xavier and Massa, Marco and Mazzarini, Francesco and Meier, Thomas and Metral, Laurent and Molinari, Irene and Moretti, Milena and Nardi, Anna and Pahor, Jurij and Paul, Anne and Pequegnat, Catherine and Petersen, Daniel and Pesaresi, Damiano and Piccinini, Davide and Piromallo, Claudia and Plenefisch, Thomas and Plomerova, Jaroslava and Pondrelli, Silvia and Prevolnik, Snjezan and Racine, Roman and Regnier, Marc and Reiss, Miriam and Ritter, Joachim and Rumpker, Georg and Salimbeni, Simone and Santulin, Marco and Scherer, Werner and Schippkus, Sven and Schulte-Kortnack, Detlef and Sipka, Vesna and Solarino, Stefano and Spallarossa, Daniele and Spieker, Kathrin and Stipcevic, Josip and Strollo, Angelo and Sule, Balint and Szanyi, Gyongyver and Szucs, Eszter and Thomas, Christine and Thorwart, Martin and Tilmann, Frederik and Ueding, Stefan and Vallocchia, Massimiliano and Vecsey, Ludek and Voigt, Rene and Wassermann, Joachim and Weber, Zoltan and Weidle, Christian and Wesztergom, Viktor and Weyland, Gauthier and Wiemer, Stefan and Wolf, Felix and Wolyniec, David and Zieke, Thomas and Zivcic, Mladen and Zlebcikova, Helena and AlpArray Working Grp and ETHZ-SED Elect Lab}, title = {{Arrival angles of teleseismic fundamental mode Rayleigh waves across the AlpArray}}, journal = {{GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL}}, year = 2019, volume = 218, number = 1, pages = {{115-144}}, month = jul, doi = {{10.1093/gji/ggz081}}, issn = {{0956-540X}}, eissn = {{1365-246X}}, researcherid-numbers = {{Herak, Davorka/AAA-8050-2019 Tilmann, Frederik J/E-4293-2012 Crawford, Wayne C/A-5658-2011 regnier, marc/Y-1178-2019 Solarino, Stefano/C-4331-2011 Kolinsky, Petr/L-9877-2016 Salimbeni, Simone/E-8411-2010 Kopp, Heidrun/A-8917-2015 Margheriti, Lucia/C-7082-2008 Moretti, Milena/J-7865-2015}}, orcid-numbers = {{Tilmann, Frederik J/0000-0002-7439-8782 Crawford, Wayne C/0000-0002-3260-1826 Solarino, Stefano/0000-0002-9577-1347 Kolinsky, Petr/0000-0003-3573-8497 Salimbeni, Simone/0000-0002-1077-5833 Kopp, Heidrun/0000-0002-6898-1568 Margheriti, Lucia/0000-0003-3853-254X Bokelmann, Gotz/0000-0001-5677-7677 Moretti, Milena/0000-0003-0260-6869}}, times-cited = {{1}}, unique-id = {{ISI:000470320500008}} }
@article{ISI:000467666000003, author = {Karplus, Marianne S. and Klemperer, Simon L. and Zhao, Wenjin and Kind, Rainer and Wu, Zhenhan and Mechie, James and Shi, Danian and Brown, Larry D. and Chen, Chen and Su, Heping and Xue, Guangxi and Sandvol, Eric and Ni, James and Tilmann, Frederik J. and Chen, Yongshun J.}, title = {{Receiver-function imaging of the lithosphere at the Kunlun-Qaidam boundary, Northeast Tibet}}, journal = {{TECTONOPHYSICS}}, year = 2019, volume = {{759}}, pages = {{30-43}}, month = may, day = {{MAY 20}}, doi = {{10.1016/j.tecto.2019.03.015}}, issn = {{0040-1951}}, eissn = {{1879-3266}}, researcherid-numbers = {{Facility, NERC Geophysical Equipment/G-5260-2010 Yongshun, Chen/AAG-6816-2020 Tilmann, Frederik J/E-4293-2012 Klemperer, Simon L/A-5919-2012}}, orcid-numbers = {{Tilmann, Frederik J/0000-0002-7439-8782 }}, times-cited = {{1}}, unique-id = {{ISI:000467666000003}} }
@article{ISI:000465608000012, author = {Helffrich, George}, title = {{Comment on 'Crustal thickness across the Trans-European Suture Zone from ambient noise autocorrelations' by G. Becker and B. Knapmeyer-Endrun}}, journal = {{GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL}}, year = 2019, volume = 217, number = 2, pages = {{906-908}}, month = may, doi = {{10.1093/gji/ggz072}}, issn = {{0956-540X}}, eissn = {{1365-246X}}, orcid-numbers = {{Helffrich, George/0000-0002-7363-4552}}, times-cited = {{0}}, unique-id = {{ISI:000465608000012}} }
@article{ISI:000465615500011, author = {Gamage, Prasanna and Venkatesan, Srikanth}, title = {{Evaluation of seismic hazard in low to moderate seismic regions, Sri Lankaa case study}}, journal = {{JOURNAL OF SEISMOLOGY}}, year = 2019, volume = 23, number = 3, pages = {{579-611}}, month = may, doi = {{10.1007/s10950-019-09824-3}}, issn = {{1383-4649}}, eissn = {{1573-157X}}, times-cited = {{1}}, unique-id = {{ISI:000465615500011}} }
@article{ISI:000467509900007, author = {Seredkina, Alena}, title = {{S-wave velocity structure of the upper mantle beneath the Arctic region from Rayleigh wave dispersion data}}, journal = {{PHYSICS OF THE EARTH AND PLANETARY INTERIORS}}, year = 2019, volume = {{290}}, pages = {{76-86}}, month = may, doi = {{10.1016/j.pepi.2019.03.007}}, issn = {{0031-9201}}, eissn = {{1872-7395}}, times-cited = {{1}}, unique-id = {{ISI:000467509900007}} }
@article{ISI:000465502500012, author = {Petersen, Gesa Maria and Cesca, Simone and Kriegerowski, Marius and AlpArray Working Grp}, title = {{Automated Quality Control for Large Seismic Networks: Implementation and Application to the AlpArray Seismic Network}}, journal = {{SEISMOLOGICAL RESEARCH LETTERS}}, year = 2019, volume = {{90}}, number = {{3}}, pages = {{1177-1190}}, day = {{MAY-JUN}}, doi = {{10.1785/0220180342}}, issn = {{0895-0695}}, eissn = {{1938-2057}}, researcherid-numbers = {{Cesca, Simone/K-4081-2017}}, orcid-numbers = {{Cesca, Simone/0000-0001-9419-3904}}, times-cited = {{0}}, unique-id = {{ISI:000465502500012}} }
@article{ISI:000465836200010, author = {Makushkina, Anna and Tauzin, Benoit and Tkalcic, Hrvoje and Thybo, Hans}, title = {{The Mantle Transition Zone in Fennoscandia: Enigmatic High Topography Without Deep Mantle Thermal Anomaly}}, journal = {{GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS}}, year = 2019, volume = {{46}}, number = {{7}}, pages = {{3652-3662}}, month = apr, day = {{APR 16}}, doi = {{10.1029/2018GL081742}}, issn = {{0094-8276}}, eissn = {{1944-8007}}, researcherid-numbers = {{Makushkina, Anna/M-1209-2019 Tkalcic, Hrvoje/E-8465-2013 Thybo, Hans/B-9292-2008}}, orcid-numbers = {{Makushkina, Anna/0000-0002-8973-9105 Tkalcic, Hrvoje/0000-0001-7072-490X Tauzin, Benoit/0000-0002-9589-4304 Thybo, Hans/0000-0002-3945-8065}}, times-cited = {{1}}, unique-id = {{ISI:000465836200010}} }
@article{ISI:000468912000055, author = {Xu, Guangyu and Xu, Caijun and Wen, Yangmao and Yin, Zhi}, title = {{Coseismic and Postseismic Deformation of the 2016 M-W 6.2 Lampa Earthquake, Southern Peru, Constrained by Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar}}, journal = {{JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SOLID EARTH}}, year = 2019, volume = {{124}}, number = {{4}}, pages = {{4250-4272}}, month = apr, doi = {{10.1029/2018JB016572}}, issn = {{2169-9313}}, eissn = {{2169-9356}}, orcid-numbers = {{Xu, Caijun/0000-0002-3459-7824 Wen, Yangmao/0000-0001-8746-8615}}, times-cited = {{1}}, unique-id = {{ISI:000468912000055}} }
@article{ISI:000466398400032, author = {Steed, Robert J. and Fuenzalida, Amaya and Bossu, Remy and Bondar, Istvan and Heinloo, Andres and Dupont, Aurelien and Saul, Joachim and Strollo, Angelo}, title = {{Crowdsourcing triggers rapid, reliable earthquake locations}}, journal = {{Science Advances}}, year = 2019, volume = {{5}}, number = {{4}}, month = apr, doi = {{10.1126/sciadv.aau9824}}, article-number = {{eaau9824}}, issn = {{2375-2548}}, orcid-numbers = {{Strollo, Angelo/0000-0001-9602-6077 Bondar, Istvan/0000-0002-4892-1074 Steed, Robert/0000-0002-2427-2997 Fuenzalida Velasco, Amaya/0000-0001-7684-9092}}, times-cited = {{2}}, unique-id = {{ISI:000466398400032}} }
@article{ISI:000460069800013, author = {Sun, Weijia and Zhao, Liang and Malusa, Marco G. and Guillot, Stephane and Fu, Li-Yun}, title = {{3-D Pn tomography reveals continental subduction at the boundaries of the Adriatic microplate in the absence of a precursor oceanic slab}}, journal = {{EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS}}, year = 2019, volume = {{510}}, pages = {{131-141}}, month = mar, day = {{MAR 15}}, doi = {{10.1016/j.epsl.2019.01.012}}, issn = {{0012-821X}}, eissn = {{1385-013X}}, researcherid-numbers = {{Zhao, Liang/F-2300-2010 Guillot, Stephane/H-4855-2011 sun, wei jia/K-6251-2015}}, orcid-numbers = {{Zhao, Liang/0000-0002-0219-8722 Guillot, Stephane/0000-0002-1687-9027 sun, wei jia/0000-0001-9530-8558}}, times-cited = {{4}}, unique-id = {{ISI:000460069800013}} }
@article{ISI:000465601500036, author = {Hensch, Martin and Dahm, Torsten and Ritter, Joachim and Heimann, Sebastian and Schmidt, Bernd and Stange, Stefan and Lehmann, Klaus}, title = {{Deep low-frequency earthquakes reveal ongoing magmatic recharge beneath Laacher See Volcano (Eifel, Germany)}}, journal = {{GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL}}, year = 2019, volume = {{216}}, number = {{3}}, pages = {{2025-2036}}, month = mar, doi = {{10.1093/gji/ggy532}}, issn = {{0956-540X}}, eissn = {{1365-246X}}, orcid-numbers = {{Dahm, Torsten/0000-0001-6432-7422 Heimann, Sebastian/0000-0003-0096-7193}}, times-cited = {{8}}, unique-id = {{ISI:000465601500036}} }
@article{Ferreira2019, author = {Ana M. G. Ferreira and Manuele Faccenda and William Sturgeon and Sung-Joon Chang and Lewis Schardong}, title = {{Ubiquitous lower-mantle anisotropy beneath subduction zones}}, journal = {Nature Geoscience}, year = 2019, volume = 12, pages = {301–306}, number = 4, month = apr, doi = {10.1038/s41561-019-0325-7} }
@article{ISI:000468174400001, author = {Yanovskaya, T. B. and Lyskova, E. L. and Koroleva, T. Yu.}, title = {{Radial Anisotropy in the European Upper Mantle from Surface Waves}}, journal = {{Izvestiya - Physics of the Solid Earth}}, year = 2019, volume = 55, number = 2, pages = {{195-204}}, month = mar, doi = {{10.1134/S1069351319020137}}, issn = {{1069-3513}}, eissn = {{1555-6506}}, researcherid-numbers = {{Lyskova, Evgenia L./M-9038-2013}}, orcid-numbers = {{Lyskova, Evgenia L./0000-0003-1949-0751}}, times-cited = {{1}}, unique-id = {{ISI:000468174400001}} }
@article{ISI:000468174400005, author = {Fomochkina, A. S. and Bukchin, B. G.}, title = {{The Use of Parallel Computing for the High-Resolution Determination of Earthquake Source Parameters}}, journal = {{Izvestiya - Physics of the Solid Earth}}, year = 2019, volume = {{55}}, number = {{2}}, pages = {{250-255}}, month = mar, doi = {{10.1134/S1069351319020046}}, issn = {{1069-3513}}, eissn = {{1555-6506}}, times-cited = {{0}}, unique-id = {{ISI:000468174400005}} }
@article{ISI:000464922800043, author = {Vallee, Martin and Juhel, Kevin}, title = {{Multiple Observations of the Prompt Elastogravity Signals Heralding Direct Seismic Waves}}, journal = {{JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SOLID EARTH}}, year = 2019, volume = {{124}}, number = {{3}}, pages = {{2970-2989}}, month = mar, doi = {{10.1029/2018JB017130}}, issn = {{2169-9313}}, eissn = {{2169-9356}}, researcherid-numbers = {{Juhel, Kevin/G-6088-2018}}, orcid-numbers = {{Juhel, Kevin/0000-0003-0881-6904}}, times-cited = {{2}}, unique-id = {{ISI:000464922800043}} }
@article{ISI:000462507200002, author = {Madariaga, Raul and Ruiz, Sergio and Rivera, Efrain and Leyton, Felipe and Carlos Baez, Juan}, title = {{Near-Field Spectra of Large Earthquakes}}, journal = {{PURE AND APPLIED GEOPHYSICS}}, year = 2019, volume = {{176}}, number = {{3}}, pages = {{983-1001}}, month = mar, doi = {{10.1007/s00024-018-1983-x}}, issn = {{0033-4553}}, eissn = {{1420-9136}}, researcherid-numbers = {{Ruiz, Sergio/D-6688-2013 }}, orcid-numbers = {{Ruiz, Sergio/0000-0003-1758-0788 Madariaga, Raul/0000-0003-2524-9489}}, times-cited = {{3}}, unique-id = {{ISI:000462507200002}} }
@article{ISI:000460709300003, author = {Muksin, Umar and Bauer, Klaus and Muzli, Muzli and Ryberg, Trond and Nurdin, Irwandi and Masturiyono, Masturiyono and Weber, Michael}, title = {{AcehSeis project provides insights into the detailed seismicity distribution and relation to fault structures in Central Aceh, Northern Sumatra}}, journal = {{JOURNAL OF ASIAN EARTH SCIENCES}}, year = 2019, volume = {{171}}, pages = {{20-27}}, month = mar, doi = {{10.1016/j.jseaes.2018.11.002}}, issn = {{1367-9120}}, eissn = {{1878-5786}}, researcherid-numbers = {{Bauer, Klaus/B-3325-2014 Muksin, Umar/W-3934-2018 }}, orcid-numbers = {{Bauer, Klaus/0000-0002-7777-2653 Muksin, Umar/0000-0001-7297-8065 Irwandi, Irwandi/0000-0001-5263-8338 Muzli, Muzli/0000-0003-1425-7256}}, times-cited = {{2}}, unique-id = {{ISI:000460709300003}} }
@article{ISI:000460701700006, author = {Yelles-Chaouche, A. and Khelif, M. F. and Haned, A. and Chami, A. and Aidi, C. and Beldjoudi, H. and Kherroubi, A. and Benaissa, Z.}, title = {{The Algiers (north central Algeria) earthquake of August 1st, 2014 M-w 5.5 in the Algiers Bay tectonic context}}, journal = {{JOURNAL OF SEISMOLOGY}}, year = 2019, volume = {{23}}, number = {{2}}, pages = {{287-302}}, month = mar, doi = {{10.1007/s10950-018-9806-1}}, issn = {{1383-4649}}, eissn = {{1573-157X}}, times-cited = {{2}}, unique-id = {{ISI:000460701700006}} }
@article{ISI:000455693800018, author = {Moorkamp, Max and Fishwick, Stewart and Walker, Richard J. and Jones, Alan G.}, title = {{Geophysical evidence for crustal and mantle weak zones controlling intra-plate seismicity - the 2017 Botswana earthquake sequence}}, journal = {{EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS}}, year = 2019, month = jan, day = {{JAN 15}}, volume = {{506}}, pages = {{175-183}}, doi = {{10.1016/j.epsl.2018.10.048}}, issn = {{0012-821X}}, eissn = {{1385-013X}}, researcherid-numbers = {{Jones, Alan/Q-7235-2019}}, orcid-numbers = {{Jones, Alan/0000-0002-3482-2518 Walker, Richard/0000-0002-8541-1639 Moorkamp, Max/0000-0002-7879-1346}}, times-cited = {{4}}, unique-id = {{ISI:000455693800018}} }
@inproceedings{ISI:000471055200069, author = {Syuhada, Syuhada and Puspito, Nanang Tyasbudi and Anggono, Titi and Hananto, Nugroho Dwi and Grandis, Hendra and Yudistira, Tedi}, editor = {{Sahin, S and Kinoshita, M and Muraza, O and Waris, A and Irwanto, D and Permana, S and Pramuditya, S}}, title = {{Relation of crustal and upper mantle deformation beneath Sunda-Banda Island Arc inferred from shear-wave splitting analysis}}, booktitle = {{{7TH ASIAN PHYSICS SYMPOSIUM}}}, series = {{Journal of Physics Conference Series}}, year = 2019, volume = {{1204}}, note = {{7th Asian Physics Symposium (APS), Bandung, INDONESIA, AUG 29-31, 2017}}, doi = {{10.1088/1742-6596/1204/1/012069}}, article-number = {{UNSP 012069}}, issn = {{1742-6588}}, eissn = {{1742-6596}}, times-cited = {{0}}, unique-id = {{ISI:000471055200069}} }
@article{LEGENDRE2020104322, title = {Surface-wave phase-velocity maps of the Anatolia region (Turkey) from ambient noise tomography}, journal = {Journal of Asian Earth Sciences}, volume = {193}, pages = {104322}, year = {2020}, issn = {1367-9120}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jseaes.2020.104322}, author = {C.P. Legendre and T.L. Tseng and L. Zhao}, keywords = {Ambient noise tomography, Rayleigh-wave, Anisotropy, Anatolia, Crustal deformation}, abstract = {The Anatolian region is an area with very heterogeneous crustal structure accompanied by large velocity contrasts. Despite the complexity of the region, the detailed crustal structure remains to be unraveled. In this study, we first measure the dispersion curves of Rayleigh waves between 1,721 pairs of station and then invert these dispersion curves to obtain high-resolution isotropic and azimuthally anisotropic phase-velocity maps in the period range of 5-25 s. The resulting isotropic phase-velocity patterns display strong correlation with the geological features, while the anisotropic patterns are highly consistent with the GPS-measured surface velocity field in the region. Variations of the isotropic as well as anisotropic patterns indicate the presence of active faulting, especially beneath the East and North Anatolian Faults. Beneath the locations of Holocene volcanoes and crystalline massifs in Cappadocia, high velocities (up to 2.5\%) are present, whereas negative velocity anomalies (up to -2\%) are found beneath the Menderes Massif in southwestern Anatolia (at periods of 5-20 s), suggesting different origins and tectonic regimes of those massifs. On either side of an active fault, two terranes with different stress patterns are generally found. Active fault can thus be identified by different anisotropy patterns on either sides of the fault. The Central Anatolian Fault do not display strong isotropic velocity contrasts, as well as no noticeable variation in the anisotropic pattern across the fault, suggesting that this fault may not be active in recent times.} }
@article{Valerio_2020, author = {Valerio, Emanuela and Manzo, Mariarosaria and Casu, Francesco and Convertito, Vincenzo and De Luca, Claudio and Manunta, Michele and Monterroso, Fernando and Lanari, Riccardo and De Novellis, Vincenzo}, title = {{Seismogenic Source Model of the 2019, Mw 5.9, East-Azerbaijan Earthquake (NW Iran) through the Inversion of Sentinel-1 DInSAR Measurements}}, journal = {Remote Sensing}, volume = 12, issn = {2072-4292}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/rs12081346}, doi = {10.3390/rs12081346}, number = 8, publisher = {MDPI AG}, year = 2020, month = apr, pages = 1346 }
@article{doi:10.1029/2019JB018900, author = {Green, Robert G. and Sens-Schönfelder, Christoph and Shapiro, Nikolai and Koulakov, Ivan and Tilmann, Frederik and Dreiling, Jennifer and Luehr, Birger and Jakovlev, Andrey and Abkadyrov, Ilyas and Droznin, Dima and Gordeev, Evgeny}, title = {{Magmatic and Sedimentary Structure beneath the Klyuchevskoy Volcanic Group, Kamchatka, From Ambient Noise Tomography}}, journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth}, volume = 125, number = 3, pages = {e2019JB018900}, keywords = {tomography, Klyuchevskoy, Central Kamchatka Depression, transdimensional, Bayesian, ambient noise}, doi = {10.1029/2019JB018900}, http = {https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1029/2019JB018900}, optnote = {2019JB018900}, abstract = {The Klyuchevskoy Volcanic Group is a cluster of the world's most active subduction volcanoes, situated on the Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia. The volcanoes lie in an unusual off-arc position within the Central Kamchatka Depression (CKD), a large sedimentary basin whose origin is not fully understood. Many gaps also remain in the knowledge of the crustal magmatic plumbing system of these volcanoes. We conducted an ambient noise surface wave tomography, to image the 3-D shear wave velocity structure of the Klyuchevskoy Volcanic Group and CKD within the surrounding region. Vertical component cross correlations of the continuous seismic noise are used to measure interstation Rayleigh wave group and phase traveltimes. We perform a two-step surface wave tomography to model the 3-D Vsv velocity structure. For each inversion stage we use a transdimensional Bayesian Monte Carlo approach, with coupled uncertainty propagation. This ensures that our model provides a reliable 3-D velocity image of the upper 15 km of the crust, as well as a robust assessment of the uncertainty in the observed structure. Beneath the active volcanoes, we image small slow velocity anomalies at depths of 2–5 km but find no evidence for magma storage regions deeper than 5 km—noting the 15 km depth limit of the model. We also map two clearly defined sedimentary layers within the CKD, revealing an extensive 8 km deep sedimentary accumulation. This volume of sediments is consistent with the possibility that the CKD was formed as an Eocene-Pliocene fore-arc regime, rather than by recent (<2 Ma) back-arc extension.}, year = 2020 }
@article{Caporali_2020, author = {Caporali, Alessandro and Floris, Mario and Chen, Xue and Nurce, Bilbil and Bertocco, Mauro and Zurutuza, Joaquin}, title = {{The November 2019 Seismic Sequence in Albania: Geodetic Constraints and Fault Interaction}}, journal = {Remote Sensing}, volume = 12, number = 5, issn = {2072-4292}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/rs12050846}, doi = {10.3390/rs12050846}, publisher = {MDPI AG}, year = 2020, month = mar, pages = 846 }
@article{PrakashSureshGahalaut2020, author = {Rajesh Prakash and G. Suresh and V K Gahalaut}, title = {{Earthquake Monitoring in India}}, journal = {Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy}, year = 2020, volume = 86, number = 1, pages = {631-642}, month = mar, doi = {10.16943/PTINSA/2020/49819} }
@article{doi:10.1029/2019GC008766, author = {Kong, Fansheng and Gao, Stephen S. and Liu, Kelly H. and Zhang, Jie and Li, Jiabiiao}, title = {Seismic Anisotropy and Mantle Flow in the Sumatra Subduction Zone Constrained by Shear Wave Splitting and Receiver Function Analyses}, journal = {Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems}, volume = 21, number = 2, pages = {e2019GC008766}, keywords = {seismic anisotropy, Sumatra, shear wave splitting, receiver function, mantle flow}, doi = {10.1029/2019GC008766}, http = {https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1029/2019GC008766}, optnote = {2019GC008766}, abstract = {To systematically investigate seismic azimuthal anisotropy in the Sumatra subduction zone and probe mantle dynamics associated with the subduction of the Australian Plate beneath the Sunda Plate, a total of 169 pairs of teleseismic XKS (including PKS, SKKS, SKS) and 115 pairs of local S splitting parameters are obtained using broadband seismic data recorded at ~70 stations. Additionally, crustal anisotropy in the overriding Sunda Plate is measured by analyzing the moveout of P-to-S conversions from the Moho using a sinusoidal function. Comparison between the three sets of anisotropy measurements obtained using shear waves with different depths of origin suggests that (1) the crust of the Sunda Plate is anisotropic with mostly trench-parallel fast orientations and a mean splitting time of 0.28 ± 0.05 s; (2) the mantle wedge is azimuthally anisotropic with dominantly trench-parallel fast orientations and splitting times ranging from 0.22 to 0.81 s, which generally increase with the focal depth; and (3) subslab anisotropy is mostly trench-normal beneath the fore-arc region with an averaged splitting time of 1.48 ± 0.06 s, and becomes trench-parallel beneath the arc and back-arc areas with a mean splitting time of 0.33 ± 0.04 s. The resulting lateral and vertical distributions of anisotropy obtained using splitting of three types of shear waves advocate the presence of an entrained subslab flow that is deflected by the mantle transition zone. The flow enters the mantle wedge through a slab window and flows horizontally parallel to the trench.}, year = 2020 }
@article{King_2019, author = {King, Tamarah R. and Quigley, Mark and Clark, Dan}, title = {Surface-Rupturing Historical Earthquakes in Australia and Their Environmental Effects: New Insights from Re-Analyses of Observational Data}, journal = {Geosciences}, volume = 9, number = 10, issn = {2076-3263}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/geosciences9100408}, doi = {10.3390/geosciences9100408}, publisher = {MDPI AG}, year = 2019, month = sep, pages = 408 }
@misc{lemoine_briole_bertil_2019, author = {Lemoine, Anne and Briole, Pierre and Bertil, Didier and Roullé, Agathe and Foumelis, Michael and THINON, Isabelle and Raucoules, Daniel and de Michele, Marcello and Valty, Pierre}, title = {The 2018-2019 seismo-volcanic crisis east of Mayotte, Comoros islands: seismicity and ground deformation markers of an exceptional submarine eruption}, doi = {10.31223/osf.io/d46xj}, publisher = {EarthArXiv}, year = 2019, month = feb }
@article{PERTTU2020116268, title = {{Reconstruction of the 2018 tsunamigenic flank collapse and eruptive activity at Anak Krakatau based on eyewitness reports, seismo-acoustic and satellite observations}}, journal = {Earth and Planetary Science Letters}, volume = {541}, pages = {116268}, year = {2020}, issn = {0012-821X}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2020.116268}, author = {A. Perttu and C. Caudron and J.D. Assink and D. Metz and D. Tailpied and B. Perttu and C. Hibert and D. Nurfiani and C. Pilger and M. Muzli and D. Fee and O.L. Andersen and B. Taisne}, keywords = {Anak Krakatau, remote monitoring, volcanic tsunami, infrasound, seismic, eyewitness}, abstract = {After several months of eruptive activity, the subaerial cone of Anak Krakatau collapsed on December 22, 2018. The landslide event generated a tsunami that had deadly consequences within the Sunda Strait in Indonesia. Such significant collapse events are common in the geologic record but are a rare phenomenon, in the instrumented record. However, these events can have a potentially large impact on society. We have reconstructed the collapse, along with the activity preceding and following it, by combining information from official reports, remote geophysical observations, and local eyewitness accounts. It appears that the collapse of Anak Krakatau's subaerial cone led to a drastic change in the eruptive style from continuous Strombolian explosions to sustained Surtseyan. Those changes are detectable in the seismo-acoustic measurements, which, when combined with eyewitnesses, allows us to reconstruct the timing and phenomenology of the sequence. Our analysis reveals that intense eruptive activity generated sustained infrasound, unusual but not unique at Anak Krakatau, starting approximately eight hours before the collapse. Within this timeframe, two seismic signals consistent with minor mass movements as well as a momentary quiescence were identified prior to the main collapse. The data presented here indicate that Anak Krakatau failed in one collapse event, producing a tsunami with multiple waves around the volcano, the last one being the largest. Following the collapse, three volcanic plumes could be clearly identified in the satellite data and by eyewitnesses, as well as spectral lines in the seismic data. These lines, observed up to 371 km, suggest a repeating energetic explosive source lasting for seven days. The collapse produced multiple infrasound arrivals observed at regional infrasound stations, but was not recorded on the regional hydroacoustic network. Our analysis of the eruptive sequence demonstrates that a detailed eruption chronology can be reconstructed using remote methods, even in the event of failure or destruction of local monitoring infrastructure. This event also highlights that tsunamigenic flank collapses can occur with little to no warning, and be difficult to interpret in real-time, as a significant amount of non-operational analysis was required after the event, to complete the chronology.} }
@article{10.2166/hydro.2020.092, author = {van Ormondt, Maarten and Nederhoff, Kees and van Dongeren, Ap}, title = {{{Delft Dashboard: a quick set-up tool for hydrodynamic models}}}, journal = {Journal of Hydroinformatics}, year = {2020}, month = feb, abstract = {{The open-source program Delft Dashboard (DDB) is a graphical user interface designed to quickly create, edit input parameters and visualize model inputs for a number of hydrodynamic models, using private or publicly available local and global datasets. It includes a number of toolboxes that facilitate the generation of spatially varying inputs. These include new model schematizations (grids, bathymetry, boundary conditions, etc.), cyclonic wind fields and initial tsunami waves. The use of DDB can have significant benefits. It can save modellers considerable time and effort. Furthermore, the automated nature of both data collection and pre-processing within the program reduces the likelihood of errors that could occur when setting up models manually. Three case studies are presented: simulation of tides in the North Sea, storm surge and wave modelling under tropical cyclone conditions and the simulation of a tsunami. The test cases show that models created with DDB can be set up efficiently while maintaining a predictive skill that is only slightly lower than that of extensively calibrated models.}}, issn = {1464-7141}, doi = {10.2166/hydro.2020.092}, note = {jh2020092}, eprint = {https://iwaponline.com/jh/article-pdf/doi/10.2166/hydro.2020.092/688188/jh2020092.pdf} }
@article{doi:10.1029/2019TC005797, author = {Metzger, Sabrina and Ischuk, Anatoly and Deng, Zhiguo and Ratschbacher, Lothar and Perry, Mason and Kufner, Sofia-Katerina and Bendick, Rebecca and Moreno, Marcos}, title = {{Dense GNSS Profiles Across the Northwestern Tip of the India-Asia Collision Zone: Triggered Slip and Westward Flow of the Peter the First Range, Pamir, Into the Tajik Depression}}, journal = {Tectonics}, volume = {39}, number = {2}, pages = {e2019TC005797}, keywords = {GNSS time-series, interseismic deformation, Pamir, triggered slip, Sarez earthquake, crustal outflow}, doi = {10.1029/2019TC005797}, eprint = {https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1029/2019TC005797}, note = {e2019TC005797 2019TC005797}, abstract = {Abstract At the northwestern tip of the India-Asia collision zone, the Pamir orocline overrides the Tajik Depression and the Tarim Basin and collides with the Tian Shan. Currently, the Pamir's northern edge exhibits localized shortening rates of 13–19 mm/yr. While the eastern Pamir and the Tarim Basin move northward nearly en block, north-south shortening decreases westward along the Pamir front into the Tajik Depression. In the northeastern Tajik Depression, the wedge-shaped crustal sliver of the Peter the First Range is squeezed between the dextral-transpressive Vakhsh and the sinistral-transpressive Darvaz faults. Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) data collected along two densely surveyed profiles detail the kinematics of north-south shortening and westward lateral extrusion in the northwestern Pamir. The 2016 campaign data suggest a short-duration dextral-slip activation of the Darvaz fault, which we interpret as a far-field effect triggered by the 2015, Mw7.2 Sarez, Central Pamir earthquake. 2013–2015 interseismic GNSS velocities and kinematic modeling show that the Darvaz fault zone accommodates ~15 mm/yr sinistral shear and ~10 mm/yr fault-normal extension below a locking depth of 9.0 + 0.4/−1.1 km. The Vakhsh fault shows shortening rates of 15 + 4/−2 mm/yr and dextral shear rates of 16 ±3 mm/yr. Jointly, these faults accommodate NW-SE shortening and southwestward material flow out of the Peter the First Range into the Tajik Depression. Together with seismic and geologic data, our and published geodetic surveys showcase the prolonged interaction of shortening and lateral material flow out of a plateau margin.}, year = {2020} }
@article{doi:10.1029/2019JB017884, author = {Portner, Daniel Evan and Rodríguez, Emily E. and Beck, Susan and Zandt, George and Scire, Alissa and Rocha, Marcelo P. and Bianchi, Marcelo B. and Ruiz, Mario and França, George Sand and Condori, Cristobal and Alvarado, Patricia}, title = {{Detailed Structure of the Subducted Nazca Slab into the Lower Mantle Derived From Continent-Scale Teleseismic P Wave Tomography}}, journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth}, volume = {125}, number = {5}, pages = {e2019JB017884}, keywords = {South America, Nazca slab, teleseismic tomography, subduction dynamics, mantle transition zone, seismic imaging}, doi = {10.1029/2019JB017884}, http = {https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1029/2019JB017884}, optnote = {e2019JB017884}, abstract = {Abstract Nazca subduction beneath South America is one of our best modern examples of long-lived ocean-continent subduction on the planet, serving as a foundation for our understanding of subduction processes. Within that framework, persistent heterogeneities at a range of scales in both the South America and Nazca plates is difficult to reconcile without detailed knowledge of the subducted Nazca slab structure. Here we use teleseismic travel time residuals from >1,000 broadband and short-period seismic stations across South America in a single tomographic inversion to produce the highest-resolution contiguous P wave tomography model of the subducting slab and surrounding mantle beneath South America to date. Our model reveals a continuous trench-parallel fast seismic velocity anomaly across the majority of South America that is consistent with the subducting Nazca slab. The imaged anomaly indicates a number of robust features of the subducted slab, including variable slab dip, extensive lower mantle penetration, slab stagnation in the lower mantle, and variable slab amplitude, that are incorporated into a new, comprehensive model of the geometry of the Nazca slab surface to ~1,100 km depth. Lower mantle slab penetration along the entire margin suggests that lower mantle slab anchoring is insufficient to explain along strike upper plate variability while slab stagnation in the lower mantle indicates that the 1,000 km discontinuity is dominant beneath South America.}, year = {2020} }
@article{CAPORALI2019101652, title = {Present day geokinematics of Central Europe}, journal = {Journal of Geodynamics}, volume = {132}, pages = {101652}, year = {2019}, issn = {0264-3707}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jog.2019.101652}, author = {A. Caporali and J. Zurutuza and M. Bertocco and M. Ishchenko and O. Khoda}, keywords = {CEGRN, GNSS, ETRF2000, Dense GNSS network, EPN, Tectonic structures, Velocity profile}, abstract = {Based on a set of rigorously computed velocities of GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems) sites of the CEGRN (Central European GNSS Research Network) we identify a number of areas with large scale tectonic structures and interpolate the velocities to the profiles by least squares collocation. The resulting velocity field provides an invaluable data set for the investigation of present day crustal deformation at the continental scale. We present six velocity profiles covering structural features of Central Eastern Europe and at the same time well populated by GNSS sites, to minimize interpolation errors. One N-S profile samples the stretching of the crust in the Balkan-Aegean region, three E-W profiles sample the part of Central Europe north of the Black Sea, one SW-NE profile crosses the Trans European Suture Zone. A sixth profile outlines the shear deformation associated with the eastward extrusion of the Eastern Alps towards the Pannonian Basin. Analytical modelling of the first and last profiles, for which there is a significant deformation, provides quantitative constraints on the relation between back arc retreat and extensional deformation in the continental crust (Aegean-Balkan profile), and model parameters such as the locking depth of faults accommodating the lateral extrusion of the Eastern Alps. For the four remaining profiles, across the TESZ and the Central Europe through the Carpathians, we report a westward velocity East of the TESZ and Carpathians. The velocities appear to drop West of these structures, suggesting that in a conventional ‘European fixed’ reference frame the East European Craton is generating a small compressional strain in a nearly E-W direction. We show by analytical modelling in an elastic half space that this compression can be accommodated by slip between 8 and 25 mm/yr along fault planes at crustal depths and aligned to the Carpathian orogeny.} }
@article{RUIZ2019228170, title = {Source characteristics of the March 16, 2014 Mw 6.7 earthquake and its implications for the Mw 8.2 Pisagua mainshock}, journal = {Tectonophysics}, volume = {767}, pages = {228170}, year = {2019}, issn = {0040-1951}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2019.228170}, author = {Javier A. Ruiz and Andrei Maksymowicz and Francisco Ortega-Culaciati and Luis Rivera and Diana Comte}, keywords = {Kinematic inversion, Subduction zone processes, Seismicity, Moment tensor}, abstract = {The March 16, 2014 Mw 6.7 earthquake played an important role in the complex seismic sequence leading to the nucleation of the April 1st, 2014 Mw 8.2 Pisagua earthquake in northern Chile. The Mw 6.7, an upper plate reverse faulting event with nodal planes highly rotated counterclockwise with respect to the strike of the megathrust at its location, is analyzed. For each nodal plane of the regional W-phase centroid moment tensor solution, the spatiotemporal slip distribution is inverted using near-field records. The optimal space and time smoothing constraints are determined objectively based on the Akaike's Bayesian Information Criterion. We analyze seismicity on the region affected by the Mw 6.7 and Mw 8.2 Pisagua mainshock, with accurate hypocenter locations obtained using a 3D heterogeneous medium. We also performed regional moment tensor inversion of events (M≥4.0) occurred before the Mw 8.2. Our results suggest the sub-vertical fault plane dipping southward (dip∼70°) as being the causative fault of the March 16 Mw 6.7 earthquake. The rupture propagated to the northwest, lasted 15s, and yielded a total seismic moment of 1.36×$10^19$Nm (Mw 6.7). Estimated slip is characterized by total rupture length of ∼22km, and suggest shallow slip distributed between ∼ 3km, down to 17km depth. A comparison between coastal tide gauge records and forward tsunami modeling show similarity of the time series, thus supporting the plausibility of our estimated slip models. Our interpretation suggests that the rupture of the Mw 6.7 intraplate could be explained by stress accommodation between two segments along-dip with different mechanical properties at the interplate boundary, and inside the upper plate.} }
@article{SeismicactivityontheterritoryofSlovakiain2017, author = {Róbert Kysel and Andrej Cipciar and Zuzana Chovanová and Kristián Csicsay and Lucia Fojtíková and Jozef Kristek}, title = {{Seismic activity on the territory of Slovakia in 2017}}, journal = {Contributions to Geophysics and Geodesy}, year = 2019, publisher = {Sciendo}, month = jun, address = {Berlin}, volume = 49, number = 2, pages = {195-206}, doi = {10.2478/congeo-2019-0010}, issn = {1338-0540}, publisher2 = {Walter de Gruyter GmbH}, url2 = {http://dx.doi.org/10.2478/congeo-2019-0010} }
@article{SeismicactivityontheterritoryofSlovakiain2018, author = {Róbert Kysel and Andrej Cipciar and Kristián Csicsay and Lucia Fojtíková and Martin šugár and Jozef Kristek}, title = {{Seismic activity on the territory of Slovakia in 2018}}, journal = {Contributions to Geophysics and Geodesy}, year = 2019, publisher = {Sciendo}, month = dec, address = {Berlin}, volume = 49, number = 4, pages = {511-523}, doi = {10.2478/congeo-2019-0027}, issn = {1338-0540}, publisher2 = {Walter de Gruyter GmbH}, url2 = {http://dx.doi.org/10.2478/congeo-2019-0027} }
@article{10.1093/gji/ggaa210, author = {Retailleau, Lise and Boué, Pierre and Li, Lei and Campillo, Michel}, title = {{Ambient seismic noise imaging of the lowermost mantle beneath the North Atlantic Ocean}}, journal = {Geophysical Journal International}, year = {2020}, month = may, abstract = {{Body waves can be extracted from correlation functions computed from seismic records even at teleseismic distances. Here we propose to use P and PcP waves from the secondary microseism frequency band that are propagating between Europe and the Eastern US to image the Core-Mantle Boundary (CMB) and D’ structure beneath the North Atlantic. This study presents the first 3D image of the lower mantle obtained from ocean-generated microseism data. Robustness of our results is evaluated by comparing images produced by propagation in both directions. Our observations reveal complex patterns of lateral and vertical variations of P-wave reflectivity with a particularly strong anomaly extending upward in the lower mantle up to 2600 km deep. We compare these results with synthetic data and associate this anomaly to a Vp velocity increase above the CMB. Our image aims at promoting the study of the lower mantle with microseism noise excitations.}}, issn = {0956-540X}, doi = {10.1093/gji/ggaa210}, note = {ggaa210}, eprint = {https://academic.oup.com/gji/advance-article-pdf/doi/10.1093/gji/ggaa210/33151990/ggaa210.pdf} }
@article{10.1093/gji/ggaa145, author = {Lu, Y and Stehly, L and Brossier, R and Paul, A and AlpArray Working Group}, title = {{Imaging Alpine crust using ambient noise wave-equation tomography}}, journal = {Geophysical Journal International}, volume = {222}, number = {1}, pages = {69-85}, year = {2020}, month = mar, abstract = {{We present an improved crustal Vs model and Moho depth map using ambient noise wave-equation tomography. The so-called ‘ambient noise wave-equation tomography’ is a method to invert seismic ambient noise phase dispersion data based on elastic waveform simulation, which accounts for 3-D and finite-frequency effects. We use cross-correlations of up to 4 yr of continuous vertical-component ambient seismic noise recordings from 304 high-quality broad-band stations in the Alpine region. We use model LSP\_Eucrust1.0 obtained from traditional ambient noise tomography as initial model, and we iteratively improve the initial model by minimizing frequency-dependent phase traveltime differences between the observed and synthetic waveforms of Rayleigh waves in the period range 10–50 s. We obtain the final model after 15 iterations with ∼65 per cent total misfit reduction compared to the initial model. At crustal depth, the final model significantly enhances the amplitudes and adjusts the shapes of velocity anomalies. At Moho and upper-mantle depth, the final model corrects an obvious systematic velocity shift of the initial model. The resulting isovelocity Moho map confirms a Moho step along the external side of the external crystalline massifs of the northwestern Alps and reveals underplated gabbroic plutons in the lower most crust of the central and eastern Alps. Ambient noise wave-equation tomography turns out to be a useful tool to refine shear wave velocity models obtained by traditional ambient noise tomography based on ray theory.}}, issn = {0956-540X}, doi = {10.1093/gji/ggaa145}, eprint = {https://academic.oup.com/gji/article-pdf/222/1/69/33144757/ggaa145.pdf} }
@article{10.1093/gji/ggz574, author = {Celli, N L and Lebedev, S and Schaeffer, A J and Ravenna, M and Gaina, C}, title = {{The upper mantle beneath the South Atlantic Ocean, South America and Africa from waveform tomography with massive data sets}}, journal = {Geophysical Journal International}, volume = 221, number = 1, pages = {178-204}, year = 2020, month = jan, abstract = {{We present a tomographic model of the crust, upper mantle and transition zone beneath the South Atlantic, South America and Africa. Taking advantage of the recent growth in broadband data sampling, we compute the model using waveform fits of over 1.2 million vertical-component seismograms, obtained with the automated multimode inversion of surface, S and multiple S waves. Each waveform provides a set of linear equations constraining perturbations with respect to a 3-D reference model within an approximate sensitivity volume. We then combine all equations into a large linear system and solve it for a 3-D model of S- and P-wave speeds and azimuthal anisotropy within the crust, upper mantle and uppermost lower mantle. In South America and Africa, our new model SA2019 reveals detailed structure of the lithosphere, with structure of the cratons within the continents much more complex than seen previously. In South America, lower seismic velocities underneath the transbrasilian lineament (TBL) separate the high-velocity anomalies beneath the Amazon Craton from those beneath the São Francisco and Paraná Cratons. We image the buried portions of the Amazon Craton, the thick cratonic lithosphere of the Paraná and Parnaíba Basins and an apparently cratonic block wedged between western Guyana and the slab to the west of it, unexposed at the surface. Thick cratonic lithosphere is absent under the Archean crust of the São Luis, Luis Álves and Rio de La Plata Cratons, next to the continental margin. The Guyana Highlands are underlain by low velocities, indicating hot asthenosphere. In the transition zone, we map the subduction of the Nazca Plate and the Chile Rise under Patagonia. Cratonic lithosphere beneath Africa is more fragmented than seen previously, with separate cratonic units observed within the West African and Congo Cratons, and with cratonic lithosphere absent beneath large portions of Archean crust. We image the lateral extent of the Niassa Craton, hypothesized previously and identify a new unit, the Cubango Craton, near the southeast boundary of the grater Congo Craton, with both of these smaller cratons unexposed at the surface. In the South Atlantic, the model reveals the patterns of interaction between the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) and the nearby hotspots. Low-velocity anomalies beneath major hotspots extend substantially deeper than those beneath the MAR. The Vema Hotspot, in particular, displays a pronounced low-velocity anomaly under the thick, high-velocity lithosphere of the Cape Basin. A strong low velocity anomaly also underlies the Cameroon Volcanic Line and its offshore extension, between Africa and the MAR. Subtracting the global, age-dependent VS averages from those in the South Atlantic Basins, we observe areas where the cooling lithosphere is locally hotter than average, corresponding to the location of the Tristan da Cunha, Vema and Trindade hotspots. Beneath the anomalously deep Argentine Basin, we image unusually thick, high-velocity lithosphere, which suggests that its anomalously great depth can be explained, at least to a large extent, by isostatic, negative lithospheric buoyancy.}}, issn = {0956-540X}, doi = {10.1093/gji/ggz574}, eprint = {https://academic.oup.com/gji/article-pdf/221/1/178/32093523/ggz574.pdf} }
@misc{williams_rowley_garthwaite_2019, author = {Williams, Rebecca and Rowley, Pete and Garthwaite, Matthew C}, title = {{Reconstructing the Anak Krakatau flank collapse that caused the December 2018 Indonesian tsunami}}, doi = {10.1130/G46517.1}, publisher = {EarthArXiv}, doi2 = {https://doi.org/10.31223/OSF.IO/U965C}, year = 2019, month = feb }
@article{10.1785/0220180326, author = {McBrearty, Ian W. and Delorey, Andrew A. and Johnson, Paul A.}, title = {{Pairwise Association of Seismic Arrivals with Convolutional Neural Networks}}, journal = {Seismological Research Letters}, volume = {90}, number = {2A}, pages = {503-509}, year = 2019, month = jan, abstract = {{Correctly determining the association of seismic phases across a network is crucial for developing accurate earthquake catalogs. Nearly all established methods use travel time information as the main criterion for determining associations, and in problems in which earthquake rates are high and many false arrivals are present, many standard techniques may fail to resolve the problem accurately. As an alternative approach, in this work we apply convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to the problem of associations; we train CNNs to read earthquake waveform arrival pairs between two stations and predict the binary classification of whether the two waveforms are from a common source or different sources. Applying the method to a large training dataset of previously cataloged earthquakes in Chile, we obtain \\>80\% true positive prediction rates for high‐frequency data (\\>2 Hz) and stations separated in excess of 100 km. As a secondary benefit, the output of the neural network can also be used to infer predicted phase types of arrivals. The method is ideally applied in conjunction with standard travel‐time‐based association routines and can be adapted for arbitrary network geometries and applications, so long as sufficient training data are available.}}, issn = {0895-0695}, doi = {10.1785/0220180326}, eprint = {https://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/srl/article-pdf/90/2A/503/4655348/srl-2018326.1.pdf} }
@article{Frietsch_2019, title = {{Multiple fault modelling combining seismic and geodetic data: the importance of simultaneous subevent inversions}}, author = {Frietsch, M and Ferreira, A M G and Funning, G J and Weston, J}, journal = {Geophysical Journal International}, year = {2019}, month = may, number = {2}, pages = {958-976}, volume = {218}, doi = {10.1093/gji/ggz205}, issn = {1365-246X}, publisher = {Oxford University Press (OUP)}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/gji/ggz205} }
@misc{dietze_cook_hovius_2019, title = {{Cliff coast failures on the Jasmund part of R\"ugen, Germany}}, author = {Dietze, Michael and Cook, Kristen L. and Hovius, Niels}, year = 2019, doi = {10.14470/9X7562122052}, publisher = {GFZ Data Services}, url = {https://geofon.gfz.de/doi/network/4K/2017} }
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